College Counselor Visit

January 26th, 2010 by kiterai

Please take some time to write about at least two things you learned from today’s presentation from Mrs. Sato.  Don’t forget a quick mahalo to Mrs. Sato for the time she shared with us.

Posted in Advisory | 98 Comments »

98 Responses

  1. Kea K. Says:

    I learned a lot today from Mrs. Sato. She had so much mana‘o to share and so much to teach. One of the things that I learned was there is more than 3,000 colleges in the US and there are 20 colleges in Hawaii.

  2. Kammie Says:

    Today we had our guest speaker-Mrs. Sato- who gave a presentation about college. I learned a lot of interesting and helpful things about choosing a college and things that will help me later on in the future. There are so many statistics about college and I think that it’s really good that people do this because it gives a good idea about that college and informs me on things that I might question. There is a book that she gave Ms. Terai and I think that I want to take a look at that so I can have an idea of what I want to do. I would like to thank Mrs. Sato for taking off her time to help and inform us! Mahalo for this wonderful information.

  3. k14ersche Says:

    Today I learned that there are a bunch of colleges that you can go to, over 3,000 are just in the US. Math is a very important aspect that colleges look at when they’re accepting people. I also learned that there are many things your should look at when choosing a college to go to, like the student-teacher ratio, the number of minorities, how many people get accepted, and other things, not just because its famous.

  4. Jonathan Says:

    Mahalo Nui Loa Mrs. Sato,
    Thank you for taking the time to come to our school and share with us all that great information. Now I know that it really doesn’t matter if you go to a big college or not because they all pretty much offer the same courses. I know that I have to crack down on my studies to get a scholarship so that I don’t have to pay that much tuition. Mahalo again!

  5. Hiki Foster Says:

    Today when our guest spoke to us I learned that most people are going to colleges close to home because of the economy now days. She was so helpful and helped me to learn more about the college world. It helped me to understand everything you should look at and why. Thank you for the book she gave to Ms.Terai because it will give us a better idea of everything. Thank you so much for your time and coming here to talk to us.

  6. Jolyn Sam Says:

    This morning from the presentation lead by Mrs. Sato (the college counsiler), I have learned a lot about college and how math was a part of her daily life. i also learned a lot about how they look at the percentages and the data of the senior class each year. I also learned that there are a LOT of colleges even just within the United States. I also learned that in the world, only 1% of people get their bachelor’s degree, and hopefully I will be a part of that 1% and I hope that I use my new knowledge that we have college councilers wisely.

  7. Kelsey Ishikawa Says:

    Mrs. Sato,
    thank you so much for coming and talking to us about college. I appreciate that you came and I learned a lot from your presentation. I learned that we have 20 colleges here in Hawaii. I never really thought that we had that many but yeah. I also learned that a ton of people apply for Stanford college, but for every hundred people that apply, only about 6 people actually get in. After this talk, I think that I might be ready for highschool, but I have no idea about college yet, so we’ll see. Well, thank you for coming again.

  8. Kulia Blalock Says:

    Thank-you Mrs. Sato! I have learned about how many people from our school go to specific schools and that majority go to Manoa. I also learned that there is over 3,500 colleges or university’s in the United States. Alaska has the least amount of colleges and I think California has the most. I also learned that most students go to west coast colleges.

  9. Lilia Says:

    I learned a lot about college today, such as only 1% of the world’s population has gone to a four-year college and graduated. I also learned that not many people go to the big colleges such as Harvard and Yale. It may sound discouraging, but I will be that 1 in a million that will get into it! I hope… I would also like to say thank you to Mrs. Sato for taking time out of her schedule to come and share her knowledge about college with us!

  10. Kalena (: Says:

    One thing that i learned today from Ms. Sato was that there are only 7 colleges in Alaska. Another thing that i learned was that Stanford only accepted 7% of the people that applied there. One last thing that i learned was that there are more then 3,000 colleges in the United States of America.
    Id like to say mahalo to Ms. Sato for taking time out of her very busy schedule to come to talk to us about college, and how important math is in our life.

  11. Mikah Says:

    Today when we had Ms. Sato come and talk to us about colleges I learned a few things. One of the things I learned was that there are many important things to look at before choosing a college and the right college for you may not be one that you have heard of before. I also learned that not many people in America get their bachelors degree. Only 27% of people in the U.S get their bachelors degree, and 29% from Hawai`i got theirs. The highest percentage of people who got their bachelors is 47% from Washington D.C. and the lowest was 7% in Kentucky.

  12. Brett Says:

    Today I learned a lot more about college, like how only two people went to Stanford, and that is where I want to go to college. I liked that Mrs. Sato went into detail about each subject she talked about, and that she explained what was important if you wanted to get into a good college. So thanks, Mrs. Sato, for enlightening me about college.

  13. ALika Says:

    Two things I learned today was first, that only 5% of people in the nation go to those expensive schools like Stanford and Harvard. I also learned that in about the past 5 years, only two people from our school went on to Harvard University and a hundred percent of students in the class of 2009 applied for college and was accepted.

  14. Pualani G Says:

    Thank you Mrs. Sato for this morning’s lesson about college in Kalama. The information that you have shared with us really makes me thing about things, and what it is that I want to do. I didn’t realize that a lot of people don’t go else where for college now, because the economy had affected them. Everything you have mentioned was definitely an eye opener for me. I had never imagined that there is more than 3,000 colleges in the United States, and the state with the least amount of colleges is Alaska- with only 7 colleges total.

  15. Kalai E. Says:

    Thank you Mrs. Sato for taking time to come down and share some things about colleges with us. Two things that I learned from you was that Washington D.C. has the most percentage of people that own a bachelors degree and that about 1% of the whole world is educated.

  16. Maria Says:

    today i learned about our opportunities that we have. most of us are able to get scholarships and grants if we try to apply. I learned that most of us will probably stay in-state for college because of our poor economy. There is also a higher chance of us being employed if we do decide to go to college, and the longer we enroll there. So most of us will probably go to a 4 year college, although some may just go to a 2 year college.

  17. Malia Says:

    Today in Kalama I learned that what we do in eighth grade can help us in the future. Mrs. Sato taught me that reading is something that I should do because I enjoy it and not because I’m trying to finish a reading log. I also learned that 7% of the people who applied for Stanford got in. All the other people didn’t make it and thats out of 100. Not many people are accepted to private colleges and I’m very excited to see where I go. I’d like to thank Mrs. Sato for taking some time to teach me and my classmates about college and it’s advantages. Mahalo!

  18. Carly♥ Says:

    Hey! Today in Kalama with my Lama classmates I learned a lot of valuable information from Mrs. Sato.I learned that 21 people from Kamehameha Class of 2009 went to Stanford, which is the college that I want to go to. I also learned that 29% of people in Hawaii get a Bachelors degree, 49% of people in Washington get a bachelors degree, but there is only 1% of people in the world that get a Bachelors degree. I also learned that not many people go to Private Colleges but end up going to Public Colleges. I would like to thank Mrs. Sato for her time taking part in this activity and sharing her knowledge with us.

  19. Joshua Rosenberg Says:

    Today I have learned a lot in Lama in Kalama about college. One thing that I learned is that Alaska has only 7 colleges and Hawaii has 20 colleges. Another thing that I learned from Mrs. Sato was that there are more than 3,000 college here in the United States of America. I also learned how many students from the senior class got accepted into different colleges. Thank you Mrs. Sato!

  20. Jasmin Says:

    Today in our College Advisory I learned a lot to both scare and encourage me about colleges in general. I learned that over 3,000 colleges just in America and that we are a college going society. I learned about the different things that colleges look for in their admissions of new freshman, and what to think about when I apply to college sometime in the near future. I would like to really thank Mrs. Sato for sharing so much of her information and time, and that I learned quite a lot.

  21. Delainy Rodriguez Says:

    I learned a lot after today’s presentation. I learned that you need to make a lot of good choices now because whatever you decide now, will affect you later. I also learned that people that graduated from Kamehameha go to a college in Hawaii rather going out of the state. I also learned that there are more than 3,000 colleges in the United States. So thank you Mrs. Sato for taking time to teach us more about college. I learned a lot today 🙂

  22. Mycah Esperanza Says:

    Today in Kalama I learned a lot about college and the requirements that are needed to get in. I learned that 1% of the population of the world has a bachelors degree. I also learned that there are over 3,000 colleges in the world in the United States. California having over 400 and Alaska as only 7 being the state with the least amount of colleges. Thank you Mrs. Sato for taking your time to tell us about colleges. You helped me understand more and I appreciate that very much.

  23. Noah Says:

    Thank you Mrs. Sato for taking time out of your schedule to come down to the middle school and teach us about choosing the right college. I learned that there are over 3000 2-4 year colleges in the United States and 1% of the worlds population has a bachelors degree or higher.

  24. Mycah Esperanza Says:

    Today in Kalama I learned a lot about college and the requirements that are needed to get in. I learned that 1% of the population of the world has a bachelors degree. I also learned that there are over 3,000 colleges in the world in the United States. California having over 400 and Alaska as only 7 being the state with the least amount of colleges. Thank you Mrs. Sato for taking your time to tell us about colleges.

  25. LANDON™ Says:

    I thought this mornings college advisory was very helpful. Three things i learned was that 1. if you are wondering what college you would be accepted at compare thing like the colleges average gpa to your own. 2. There are over 3,000 colleges in the united states 3. And that each student will send an average of 8 college applications. I would like to thank all of the teachers that put this event together.

  26. Will Young Says:

    Thank you very much Mrs. Sato for teaching us many things. I learned that mostly every college in the U.S has more girls to boys in their college. I also learned that this years seniors are staying home more than going to mainland colleges. Lastly I learned that UH has a tuition fee of 7,000 give or take.

  27. Hannah Logan Says:

    After today’s presentation, I feel like I’m ready to go into more depth with this College Quest Project. I learned that in the the class of 2009 there were more students who stayed in Hawaii for college than those that don’t. I also learned that at almost every college there are more women than men.

    Thank you so much Mrs. Sato for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and visit with us. I appreciate how much work you put into making a quality Power Point Presentation for us.

  28. Makai Says:

    Two things that I learned from today’s speaker was that even if you are 1 in your class or 400 there are still colleges out there that look at that and some look at the 1 or look at the 400. Lastly I learned that there are over 3000 colleges in the United States and that there are so many choices to choose from.

  29. Kaumaka Ross Says:

    Today in Kalama Mrs. Sato helped us to learn a little bit more about college and different factors of how to choose the right college. One of the very cool facts that I learned today from Mrs. Sato was that only one percent of the world has their bachelor’s degree. I also learned that all of the universities of California are having a hard time because the economy is down. Thank you Mrs. Sato for all of the wonderful information, it really helps.

  30. Kahili Says:

    Thank you for taking time to talk to our class! I learned a lot this morning, the three things I learned were that there are 3,514 colleges in the United States. Also, I learned about what requirements some colleges look for to go to it. I learned about many percentages about different colleges and what you want to look at when you are deciding what college to attend. Mahalo again!

  31. Chelsea Says:

    Today I learned that more people stay local than going to mainland because of the cost these days. I also learned that colleges look more at College Prep Courses than any other requirement.I also learned that SATs are the same as ACTs and everything we do in 8th grade and up really does count. I am very grateful to have learned this and more. I am also really grateful that Mrs. Sato came down to share these with us.

  32. k14miiuli Says:

    I learned that some colleges are more “picky” then others, such as Ivy League schools and many private universities. Another thing I learned is that some people get grants for simply being a racial minority by bringing racial variety to the school. I also learned that it’s not all about being a well rounded individual, but having a well rounded class. In other words don’t pile yourself up, just go at a steady pace.

  33. Zoe Says:

    There is so much more to College than what I thought it would be so much easier to choose a college but today I found out that not only is there the fact that you have to get into that chosen college but there’s all those expenses and all these other factors that might block the way to getting into your chosen college. Another thing that I learned was how many college there is just in the U.S. alone, 3,000+ colleges. This really has me thinking twice about what I am going to do and where I’m going to go after I leave Kamehameha Schools.

  34. ALOHiLANi (: Says:

    thank you for coming mrs. sato for coming to talk to us in lama in kalama (: it was very interesting three things that i learned today was one that only 1% of the worlds population has a bachelors degree. and that i learned that in Stanford 6% of people from here who applied there got in. and lastly I learned that there are over 3,000 colleges in the United States alone.

  35. Makanaokeakua Says:

    What I learned about today’s Lama in Kalama was that all the of the 2009 graduating class aplied for college and only 3 of those students did not. I also learned at all of the colleges that the 2009 students are all attending, and that only 1% of the worlds population hase a bachelors degree.

  36. Keala Says:

    Thank you Mrs. Sato. During the presentation I learned some interesting facts about college. One thing would be that in the United States alone there are 3,000 colleges. I also learned that there are only seven colleges in Alaska.

  37. Paisley Says:

    I learned about what we should look for while thinking about colleges. One requirement for the colleges that they look at, is GPA. Another thing that colleges look at are your SAT/ ACT scores. Thank you Ms. Sato for coming and sharing this vital piece of information with Pu‘ulu Lama. I very much appreciate the fact that you took time out of your busy schedule to better prepare us.

  38. Nagasawa Says:

    Some thing that I learned in this mornings presentation is that there are only 7% of people that get into the really prestige colleges. I also learned that there are no students that attended colleges from out of country. It doesn’t matter if you take the SAT or the ACT as long as you take one.

  39. Keaka Says:

    Thank you for coming today and sharing your mana’o about the college experience. The three things I learned was that a four year college is cheap if local. Another thing I learned is that not to many people has a bachelors degree in the world which affects them from getting a stable job. The last thing I learned is that from a graduating class of 2009 mostly applied for UH and got in because of its accepting rate which is 65%

  40. aukai Says:

    I learned that california has 433 colleges in that one state. While alaska has 7. Plus out of all the people that tried for harvard only 7% got in.

  41. Kaiwi Says:

    i learned that California has 433 colleges both JC, Community Colleges, and Private/Public Schools. Also i learned that Alaska the largest state only has 7 colleges throughout the state.

  42. Ammon Says:

    Thank you Mrs. Sato for the information about the colleges. I learned what schools look for. Your SAT scores cumulative GPA for your four years of college. The amount of people in hawaii that has a bachelors degree or higher is little bit over 20%.

  43. Javen Says:

    This morning I learned a lot of interesting things about colleges like that there’s more than 3,000 colleges in America. I also learned that California has 433 colleges and in Hawaii there’s 20 colleges. Thank you Mrs. Sato for the interesting facts you shared with us Today.

  44. Shandel Says:

    Today Mrs. Sato visited us and talked to us about selecting our colleges. I learned that not very many people are going to many private school colleges because of the economy. I learned that there are only 7 colleges in Alaska. I think it’s because of the cold. I learned that Stanford only takes 6% of the people who apply. Thank you Mrs. Sato for sharing with us about colleges.

  45. Elizabeth Says:

    Today Mrs. Sato came to talk to us about colleges and I learned about a few things. Colleges look for a lot of things beside your grades and your SAT scores. I also learned that there were more than 3,000 colleges throughout America and there are all types of different colleges that will accept you based on your own records. Mahalo Mrs. Sato for coming to talk to us about colleges.

  46. Kingston Says:

    Three things that i learned today while in kalama was that 1% of the worlds population has a bachelors degree. I also learned from Mrs. Sato was that to achieve a bachelors degree you must have at least 4 years of college. The final thing i learned was that there are colleges in Alaska.

  47. brianne! Says:

    Today Mrs. Sato came and talked to us about college. I learned that California has the most colleges(433) which is where I want to go for college. I want to thank her for coming he and teaching us everything that she has.

  48. Blaze Says:

    Mrs. Sato i thank you for all of the information you have shared with me and the lama team. I hope every one considers the fact that you could have bean doing other things but for you to take time off of your schedule was very nice of you. Today you made a very big impact on us all because we all hope to go to a good college and have a good job like you . Much mahalo and i hope you keep sharing this information to all students. Thank you and beye

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