Visit to the Archives

September 23rd, 2009 by kiterai

We visited the archives at Midkiff Learning Center today.  Mrs. Zisk, our archivist, shared with us a folder that she prepared that taught us a lot about the history of our school and land.  Please comment (short paragraph) about what you were impressed with, what you learned and what other questions you have that may not have been answered.  Mahalo nui to Mrs. Zisk for sharing with us so generously.

Please respond by September 28.  Mahalo.

Posted in Advisory | 105 Comments »

105 Responses

  1. Kona Says:

    Going up to Midkiff to learn about our princess was pretty interesting. Mrs.Zisk probably knows all about from the time she was born to right now. She must have spent a lot of time researching this. It was pretty interesting the the girls had red and white for their colors, considering today, the colors are the exact opposite.

  2. Shandel Says:

    Our visit to the archives was so fun. I thought it was so interesting when she shared the many stories about the graduates. One thing I learned is the girls school colors was red. I wanted to stay to learn more about the history of Kamehameha but we had to leave. I hope we get to go back soon.

  3. Alika Says:

    The visit to the Archives was awesome. I was very impressed with all the amazing heritage in there. Our Hawaiian heritage. It was so good to have Aunty Zisk there with us. She has a lot of knowledge. The colors of the school before was crazy. I wish we had more time there and I would love to go back.

  4. Kalai,K Says:

    I really enjoyed going up to the archives. I learned a lot from going to there. Mrs. Zisk is like a history book. I can’t believe that she remembers all those things in her head. I didn’t know that long ago the girls colors were red before. The thing that I didn’t know was that long ago the boys had to were those really proper uniforms with the dress jacket and pants. I’m glad that we didn’t have to wear those for our uniforms. I really wanted to thank Mrs. Zisk for giving up her time to teach us all of those things that she knows. I also want to thank her for remembering all of those things for us because I still don’t get how she remembers all those things. Thankyou and I really enjoyed the time over at Midkiff.

  5. Naki S. Says:

    Visiting the archives was a very good experience. This was my second time going to midkif for the archives. Ms. Zisk was very nice and helpful. I was amazed with how many interesting facts there were from 1891. This experience was more helpful then last yeah because Ms. Zisk was able to give us those papers to give us knowledge. The most interesitng fact was how there were a boy school and a girl school. I don’t no how it would be if it was like that till this day for Kamehameha. I also thought that taking pictures were interesting but not for the person taking the picture. I wouldnt be able to stay in one position for that long of a period of time. I just want to thank Ms. Zisk for helping us gain knowledge that we wouldnt of ever known.

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