Kawaiaha’o Plaza Field Trip

January 29th, 2009 by kiterai

kawaihaooha-02.jpgFollowing the visit to Kawaiaha’o Plaza, comment on the things you learned, enjoyed, and wonder about after having gone through the three sessions at the field trip.  (your reply should be a well formed paragraph that may include mahalos to our presenters).  Due Monday by 3:15 pm.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 88 Comments »

88 Responses

  1. Jared A Says:

    My visit to Kawaiha’o Plaza was a lot of fun. At the beginning of this field trip we started off with a oli and sang “Ekolu Mea Nui”. It was a time when we Hawaiian’s got together and sang as one ohana. First, I learned about budgeting. It was very intersting. The loan game was fun and taught me alot. I was amazed on how important these people were to Kamehameha School’s and Early Childhood. Secondly, I went to go learn about our native Hawaiian plants. I learned how these native plants helped our Hawaiian people in many ways. I also got to see our state flower, the Ilima. Although the flowers weren’t in bloom I was still suprised that this special flower gave medicine to babies, it was used to make baskects , and was good for garnishing. Lastly, I learned some hawaiian words. I got to play Kukulu. It taught me some hawaiian adjectives. When it came to the story part, I was craking up!!! That was a good ending to this field trip. Thank you to the staff for taking out time to be with us. You have taught me alot and it was so much fun!!!

  2. Kylie-Rhea K. Says:

    When we went to Kawaiaha‘o Plaza, I learned a lot. I learned about all the plants they had in their native garden. I also learned a lot more Hawaiian words. I also learned about the budging. It was hard to understand in the beginning but when we started to play the games, I started to understand it more. I liked when we first went there and we all sang and danced. I also enjoyed looking at the painting in the room. I thought it was cool how everything connected and how all the staff contributed to painting it. I thought it was a very interesting field trip and very educational. Thank you to all the staff at Kawaiaha‘o Plaza.

  3. Austin Says:

    The field to Kawaiha‘o Plaza was so much fun. When we arrived, we greeted the employees with oli followed by the song, “Ekolu Mea Nui”. We were split up into three groups, A, B, C. My groups first stop (A) was in an office. Their we played a game that talks about finances and money. That was my favorite part because we had to do a lot of math. Then we learned more about Pauahi and different Hawaiian Legends. That was really fun because they had made a form of abstract painting about her life. Then we went outside and learned about different plants and the uses for them. That was so much fun because when we were learning about them, the sprinklers were turned on and we got really wet. After that, we went back indoors and brushed up on our hawaiian language. We had a blast by playing charades and making up stories using the words that we learned. Then we said mahalo and left. Thank you Kawaiha‘o Plaza for your time.

  4. Davin Says:

    The field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza was not what I expected. It was a total surprise to me how much their evolvement they have in our school and how important their role is. But they aren’t just business, they connect with the Hawaiian culture starting off the day right. My favorite part of the tour was when we were in the conference room and got to learn about Kamehameha Schools budget and how important their role is to the schools. I think the 8th graders next year should do this as well.

  5. Ashlyn Says:

    This Fridays fieldtrip was really fun, and I enjoyed myself. I had no idea how many people are needed to keep our school running. I loved those Hawaiian language learning cards, and I had lots of fun playing it. When we were outside and we learned about all the different plants, it really made me realize how resourceful our ancestors were. Thank you to all the staff at Kawaihaʻo that took the time to explain what they do to us.

  6. amber k. Says:

    The field trip to Kawaihao Plaza was a very educational experience for me. I had a lot of fun learning new hawaiian words, not to mention learning about our history by looking at the vibrant and radiant colors of the art work and learning how the rainbows connected some of the many symbols of the work together. I enjoyed learning about the different native hawaiian plants the Kawaihao Plaza has to offer. Overall I had an amazing time acquiring the knowledge I need to be a successful person when I grow up.

  7. Lei K Says:

    The field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza was fun and educational! I learned some new Hawaiian words while playing the card game. I also learned about native plants and how everything at Kawaiha’o Plaza has to do with Hawaiian/Hawaiian culture. I also thought the painting was beautiful and it was cool how it connected to Pauahi. I learned about the money part for Kamehameha Schools and to be honest, I think that job is hard because it has so much to do with math, numbers, and money (all the things I’m not too good with!). The field trip was a good experience and I wouldn’t mind going there again! 🙂 Thanks to all of the presenters!!

  8. Kalei Says:

    I thought that was a fun field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza. I learned a lot about the finances and how they split it up for all the other campuses. I think it’s funny how Kapalama spends the most money, teehee. I also had fun playing the hawaiian card game. And I liked when we learned about the plants because we were outside. But the bad thing is that the sprinklers went off (hah). I think the best thing about the field trip was the alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic game thing!
    WOOH! 🙂

  9. Makana H. Says:

    I learned a lot on our field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza. I think it’s so cool that there are other buildings not our campus that do all these neat things for our school. I liked that throughout all of the presentations, the workers were all “alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic (clap, clap)”. I learned that we as a school have so much money in store for us. The money is used in a well managed manner. I learned that we have a “ks publishing” department. I enjoyed playing the card game. I appreciated the chance we had to learn about native Hawaiian plants and all their uses. I’d like to thank the workers their for their generousity and for them sharing their time with us. Mahalo!

  10. Ross Says:

    I learned a lot on our field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza. It was so cool learning about our culture and native plants. It was also fun learning more hawaiian words. It was fun playing cards and learning about the native plants uses. I can’t wait to go to Kawaihaʻo Plaza again. I think that was a really fun learning experience to go and learn about Kamehameha schools and about Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

  11. Taylor A Says:

    This field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza was very educational. I learned so many things, like hawaiian words, what ancient Hawaiians used different plants for, and how we spend Pauahi’s money. It was a lot of fun playing charades with the Hawaiian word cards. With our Hawaiian cards we made up the weirdest story about a boy who was stink, bald, skinny, hungry, and white who got eaten by a tiger. But it helped me learn the words. I didn’t know that we used Pauahi’s money for so many things. It makes me think about how spoiled we are. The tour of the Plants was interesting. I didn’t know that you could use a plant for so many things. Before i thought it was just for looks, but i learned there was many uses to it. I saw Peter Hsu there, the guy who i interviewed for KMT. Thanks to all of the workers and helpers.

  12. Kalalani Says:

    I learned so much from this field trip. Learning and the fun was all in one. When we played the games like the card charades and the banking offers and loans. It taught me so much about how our school has to break down certain amounts of money in order to have everything in order. Learning the different names and uses of our native hawaiian plants was fascinating, but what stood out the most to me was the painting. How the artists are the everyday employees, and how scared messages are hidden in the painting. I love art, and was absolutely stunned by that portrait, in honor of Ke Ali’i Pauahi. Thank you Kawaihao Plaza employees for helping the children of Hawai’i still learn so much more about Ke Ali’i Pauahi and Charles Reed Bishop’s legacy, so that it may live on forever. Mahalo Nui Loa!

  13. Kamalani Y. Says:

    When I first heard that we were going to go to
    Kawaiha’o Plaza, I thought that it was just going to be learning about business things and that we were going to be doing a lot note taking and listening, but it was the total opposite. I had a lot of fun with the hands-on activities that they prepared for us. It was a very educational field trip and I learned many new things. I learned a lot of new hawaiian words from playing the card game that they showed us. We also used the cards to play charades and make a story containing the words on the cards that were given to us. I also learned how the workers manage Pauahi’s money. At one point in the game, one of the workers there drew a stop watch on my hand to “keep track of time”. In the next station I learned all about the different native Hawaiian plants that were planted at Kawaiha’o Plaza. We learned their Hawaiian names and what they were and are used for. I really liked how all the adults there were very energetic and exciting. I would like to thank all the workers at Kawaiha’o Plaza for giving us a very educational and fun visit.

  14. Brittney L. Says:

    I really enjoyed this field trip to Kawaiha‘o Plaza. I learned so much more than I thought we would there. I must admit, when I first heard we were going there, I thought it was going to be boring and we were just gonna learn about buisness and just sit there and they would lecture us. But I was wrong. I would never think that we would learn about native Hawaiian plants there. That was the first activity I went to. I never knew about most of these plants but I am glad I learned about that. The next activity I went to was the card game. I learned a lot of new Hawaiian words that I am not able of learning in school since I am in Japanese. I also like that it was a fun way of learning. The next activity I went to was the money management. I thought for sure this would be very boring, but it was actually the total opposite. It was a fun way of learning how our school spends money for our wants and needs and why we can’t have everything we want. I really would like to thank all the staff at Kawaiha‘o Plaza for making everything so educational but fun and energetic.

  15. Maile K:] Says:

    I really liked the field trip. I had no idea that it was going to be as good as it was. I enjoyed the activities we got to do and I learned a lot about Kamehameha finances, publishing, and plants. I learned how they split the money to the three schools and preschools, that we had a publishing department and what some Hawaiian plants are used for. The staff was very enthusiastic and fun. They were also very nice. I was really impressed with the field trip and what the presenters taught us. I want to say thank you to the Kawaihao employees, they did a great job!

  16. jenna Says:

    This field trip was really fun! Learning about the plants was really cool, playing the card games and also learning Hawaiian vocab words was fun, and doing that math problem of the day was informative and enjoyable. The people that work at Kawaiaha’o Plaza are so nice and welcoming. They all looked so happy! That was my favorite part of the field trip. Thank you Ms. Terai for taking us and thank you Kawaiaha’o staff for teaching us in a very enjoyable and informative manner.

  17. Jerrick Says:

    The trip to Kawaiaha’o was a very educational but still fun field trip. I enjoyed learning about the schools publishing company and playing with the Hawaiian cards. Thinking about the schools budget was also on my head for the longest time, now I know and during that session I was so interested. Learning about the mural and the Hawaiian plants was very cool because it was so informative to me. Overall, I had a great time and I want to thank all the Kawaiaha’o staff because I learned so much.

  18. Shawnie Says:

    The field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza was lots of fun as expected. I learned lots of new Hawaiian words! I always love expanding my vocabulary and those games they created sounds like a perfect way to do that! I liked learning about the Hawaiian Plants and their uses, it really makes me feel more a part of my culture. My favorite part was the budget demonstration. It taught me a lot and i got a good laugh out of it. I want to thank all of the staff for being so welcoming and kind to all of the lama team!

  19. Shaney Says:

    I enjoyed field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza. It was good because we were able to learn what Kamehameha workers do. Instead of just taking notes on what the different people do to keep our school together and running, instead we were able to get to interact and learn by doing hands on things. The card playing was fun, we learned a lot of different Hawaiian words. The financial part of the field trip was good because they got us involved and I kind of understood what they were talking about. The painting was beautiful and learning the names and different uses of Hawaiian plants was interesting. Thanks to all of the staff at Kawaiha’o Plaza!

  20. Kelly Says:

    Going to Kawaiha’p Plaza was very interesting. All the people there were really nice and I learned a lot more about our school that I never knew existed. I also learned a lot of new things like about a lot of plants that I never even heard of before. It was also cool doing all of the math situations because they were fun but still learned a lot.

  21. Kaimi Says:

    I really enjoyed this field trip because it was fun. I really enjoyed the plants and the book rotations. When we got to play the game with the cards I was happy because we made some crazy stories. I didnt really get the money part because it was sort of confusing the way the guy told it to us. I liked learning about all of the Hawaiian plants that there is in their little area. I really enjoyed that trip.

  22. Napua Says:

    The field trip to Kawaiha’o Plaza was fun. I learned about some Hawaiian words and native Hawaiian plants. I enjoyed getting to know the staff, even though I didn’t get to see my cousin who works there. After going to Kawaiha’o Plaza, I wonder how many people it took to make the painting. Thank you to all the people who helped put this field trip together!

  23. Philip Says:

    This was a really fun field trip because we got to play games and stuff while still learning math and hawaiian. I also liked that they taught us about different plants and trees around their plaza. We got to learn more hands on with the Hawaiian and made really funny stories with the cards. I liked that field trip a lot and what we learned was pretty cool.

  24. jacob Says:

    this field trip was fun. I learned alot about kamehameha.we got to learn about many plants.qmwe learned about the uses.we got to see how our school spends the money.and the
    publishing company was cool to learn about.it was fun.

  25. Kau`i Burgess Says:

    I’d like to thank the teachers who coordinated this field trip. Having all of you here, at Kawaiaha`o Plaza, was fabulous! Your presence and energy really lifted our spirits. So, thanks to YOU for being here and for sharing your enthusiasm and joy with us. Aloha.

  26. Megan Le(: Says:

    I enjoyed the field trip to kawaiha‘o plaza. I had a good time learning about what the many workers that don’t work on our campus do for our school. We were able to do hands on activities instead of just sitting and taking notes. We played a fun game in the money management room, I enjoyed it. We learned about plants that surrounded the plaza which was very interesting. The sprinklers came on when my group was outside. In the Hawaiian culture room we played a game where we had to figure out different names for a hawaiian word. I would like to thank everyone that helped us throughout the field trip, and those who made this field trip possible. It was really worth it!

  27. JOSH O. Says:

    I learned a lot from this field trip. I learned about lots of native plants and what there used for. Majority of the plants were used for medicine and eating. I liked playing that card game because our group learned a lot of hawaiian words and put them together to make stories. The banker activity was fun and educational because we got to see how much money we use every year about. Thank you presenters, I had a good time!

  28. Makana P. Says:

    I have learned that you should not lie about your money and how much you should sell a house because you will lose and get all of your money get taken away and you will be left with no money and with no home.

  29. David Akana Says:

    In this field trip to the Kawaiha‘o Plaza, i learned about many different things. The first thing i learned was about the different kinds of native plants that are native to hawaii and what they are used for. Next, i learned some fun ways to learn olelo hawaii by using flash cards. The last thing i learned was how difficult it is to budget the school’s money. This was a pretty fun field trip and a good learning experience!

  30. Naone Says:

    hey hey…i really enjoyed this field trip, because we learned so much. the vibe we got from the staff, and just the all around aloha was great. i think that is a great way to start your work day. i really enjoyed the card game, it was probably my favorite part of the time there. my group was awesome, and we made a hilarious story…i was cracking up. i also enjoyed the plants, because my dads job is making outdoor classrooms(similar to the ones by the main gate). i learned a lot about native plant uses, many of them i have at my house. it was a great field trip. Majahlos to the Kawaiha’o Plaza staff/

  31. Nanea Says:

    I thought the trip was fun and very educational. I learned a lot during those three session like the different plants, how to speak hawaiian, and the finical people. I would have liked if we could have seen more of the plants. I thought it was really interesting on how the most littlest plants have a lot of using to it. I learned a lot about are culture and I wanted to say thank you to the Kawaiha’o Plaza staff.

  32. Tanner Says:

    In the field trip, I learned some stuff like some Hawaiian plants, and some new words in Hawaiian. I also learned about some finances and how to sell a house at the right time. I enjoyed the activity where they had to sell the house and all of them lied about how much money they had. The field trip was fun.

  33. Taylor C Says:

    On this field trip I learned a lot about Hawaiian plants and what they are and what they were used for. I had a lot of fun on this field trip especially in the portion that we had to work with money and situations pertaining to money because I got to be banker and I also got to be stopwatch.

  34. LOGAN K. Says:

    This field trip was very fun! We learned a lot during the various activities that were planned for us. We learned what the people who work at Kawaiaha’o Plaza go through on a daily basis for a job. We only brushed the surface and that was not the easiest things to do. I tip my hat to the very intelligent people who work there because they have some jobs that are very hard. With out them Kamehameha Schools would not function. I was thinking, what it would be like if I got to work there when I grew older. It was a very fun and educating field trip and I think everyone enjoyed themselves!

  35. LOGAN K. Says:

    Haha look a snowman

  36. Justin W. Says:

    I thought that this field trip was very educational. I learned a lot, and it was a great experience for me. I really enjoyed doing the fun activities they set up for us because it was educational and I learned more about Hawaiian plants and the Hawaiian language. Also I learned more about how Kamehameha handles there money . Overall I had a blast on the field trip.

  37. Justin W. Says:

    ♘ look a horsy

  38. Tyler M. Says:

    Overall, this field trip was a good time to get away from the classroom and learn about some of the other jobs Kamehameha has to offer. It was cool to see what some jobs actually do and how we try to distribute the money equally between all three campuses. I enjoyed doing all the activities that they planned for us and i had a good time at the field trip. Look Russia☭

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