College Couselor Presentation

January 29th, 2009 by kiterai

diplomaPlease write about what you have learned by doing the college webquest and from the college counselor presentation.  Why is it important for you to start thinking about college as an 8th grader?  What are things you can do now to prepare for post-high education?

(your response should be a well formed paragraph, specific to what you learned about the two colleges you picked and comments about the presentation from Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato).

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 67 Comments »

67 Responses

  1. Shawnie Says:

    I really enjoyed working on this college project. Doing the collage webquest helped me to look forward to going to collage and it also helped me to learn how to apply for collages. The collage presentation helped me to learn how to increase my chances of getting into the collages that i want to. It helped me to learn the in’s and out’s of collage and how you can get the same degree that someone is paying thousands of dollars for, for just several hundread. From now on i plan on exceeding the expectations of my teachers because that will help me in the future. I really learned a lot and i appreciate Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato for preparing us for our future to come.

  2. Jerrick Says:

    I think doing the college webquest was really fun and I was so interested in learning about the different colleges. I think it really gives us a head start to life because we are learning about colleges so young. I was also surprised at all the statistics we learned about from Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato. They taught me a lot of things that I didnt know about this school. I learned how to better myself for college by getting into clubs, sports, and other extra curricular activities. The college webquest taught me a lot and also how hard I have to work during high school. I really thank Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato for coming down because I did learn a lot from them.

  3. Shaney Says:

    I thought that this presentation was good. I think that it is important that we start to look at colleges as 8th graders because most colleges will be looking at our grades and classes that we take in the next four years. I was excited to find out that we were going to start to look at colleges because I want to know what grades and classes that I will be taking in high school. The packet was very helpful and I thought that it was pretty cool to see what colleges Kamehameha graduates ended up going to. The presentation was full of useful information, thanks Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato.

  4. Blaise Says:

    When doing the college webquest, I learned quite a lot. It is way harder then I expected, and it takes a lot of thinking before you choose a college you want to apply to. You have to take a lot of things into consideration like where the place is & if it is convenient, and the prices and costs of everything. It takes a lot of work to apply to a college because you have to write an essay. Also, it is about 50 dollars to even apply. The presentation was useful because it tought me the little tricks about college, and the do’s and don’ts. I look forward to going to Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato when I get to high school because they have so much mana’o to share.

  5. Kelly Says:

    I thought that the presentation that they did for us was very helpful. They explained a lot of details that I didn’t understand before. They said a lot of things that I could start doing now, like creating good study habits. They also talked about things to think about like the cost, what I was going to do outside of class, and much more. Thank you so much Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike for all of the helpful tips.

  6. Kaimi Says:

    This presentation has taught me alot of things about our trip to college. I have learned that we should start thinking about college now. We should start now so that we can start getting good grades and so that we can see what we are going to need to do to get into a good college that we are interested in. I really enjoyed that talk and I hope this can help me later on in life.

  7. Philip Says:

    This presentation taught me a lot of very informational things. Some things about high school and college got a lot clearer to me. I would have to learn good study habits now so that I can have better habits later on. Thank you Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato that was really helpful.

  8. jacob Says:

    I they helped alot. I learned alot about seems scary,but it’s really not. I’m glad they came. they can help alot.

  9. Taeler Says:

    It’s important for us to start thinking about college now because it’s not to far away. By thinking about college we’ll be able to set goals and do what we need to get into the college of our dreams. If we know what we want to become when we are adults it’ll help us think about which colleges we’ll apply for. There are many things I can do to prepare for my college years. Some of them being retaining a high GPA and another is joining as much extra curricular activities as I can. By doing so I can raise my chances at getting into the schools of my dreams. I really enjoyed what Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike presented to us. It was very helpful with directing me with what courses I can take to help me get into the colleges that I want.

  10. Makana P. Says:

    I think that we should project every year because the economy is changing and we should know how much it is and what we can expect to pay. I also think it is a great project to do because you need requirements to get into some colleges.

  11. Kanoe Says:

    College, college, college… Seems like a long time from now, but if you really think about it it’s only 5 years away! Going to this presentation really helped me understand about the various procedures we as 8th graders have to accomplish before we are out into the big world of college. What really opened up my eyes was that if we want to go to a well-known college, we not only have to have a high/good G.P.A. score but also have to be involved in our school as well as our community. I thank all our kumu for pushing us to be the best we can.

  12. Megan Le.(: Says:

    I think that the college counselor presentation gave out some pretty good information about how college works. I have learned a lot of information about college that i will need in the future. Although we are only in 8th grade, I believe that college will come faster then we may imagine. The information was mainly about how i could raise my chances of getting into the college i wanted to attend. I learned about many different courses i could take to full fill my dream in the future.

  13. Paihi Says:

    I think college is the best time of your life. You can think about your college that you are interested in now because if you start to late you might not know which one you want. I also think they gave us some really good information about how college is different from high school.

  14. Nanea Says:

    I learned a lot from the high school teachers and the college webquest. I learned that we should think about college now so we know what school we are going in the future. But for now I can start practicing for college like going in for help and start looking at schools. I learned a lot and hopefully what we learned for every thing we did will help me in the future. Mahalo to everyone that helped us or will help us in are search for the right college.

  15. Napua Says:

    I learned tons from the college webquest and the high school counselors. I learned that we should start thinking about college now so we shouldn’t have to stress so much in the future. Learning what our colleges might want from us can help us to prepare for college. Being an eighth grader, I think that I could start preparing for college by trying to keep my grades up so I can get into good classes in high school. That way, when colleges look at my application, I will seem good enough for them. Thank you to all the people that helped us learn about the colleges that are right for us.

  16. Taylor C Says:

    When we did this project and when the counselors came to see us It really opened my eyes to what was going on. I thought that I should not have to worry about this now because I am only in middle school but I learned differently when this came up. I was actually quite content when the counselors were giving the presentation even though I thought in the beginning that I would not even want to pay attention. So that was a good learning experience for me!

  17. Justin W. Says:

    I thought that this presentation was very educational and informing. It is very important to thinking about college because we may be able to do things to prepare more for me to attend a good college. Some things that i can do would be to take courses that will benefit my future and do the best that I can do in all my classes.

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