1/2 done, 1/2 more

December 10th, 2008 by kiterai


One half of the year is over and that means you are 36 weeks from being a ninth grader.  You set goals at the start of the year in math class.  We have learned a lot together this past 2 quarters not only through math topics, but also through the KMT project, field trips, other team bonding experiences and school activities.  Please take time to write a comment (#sentences > 5) regarding how things have gone for you.  Have you met your goals?  What are some things you hope to improve on in the new year?

This is due by Friday at 7:30 a.m.  Everyone must do this assignment however, if you do not want for your post to be public, you may respond by emailing me instead.

Posted in Algebra, Pre-Algebra | 95 Comments »

95 Responses

  1. Ha‘aheo A. Says:

    Thank you for pushing me to know our limits in homework, problems, and in managing my time. 🙂

  2. Jewel Says:

    8th grade has been pretty exciting so far. Its definately not what I thought it would be like. It isint as easy as I thought it would be but I have been doing ok in my classes. I started off the year with good grades but it dropped a little so I think I need to work on time managing because I started soccer and I havn’t had much time to get homwork done. I also should focus in class better and pay attention, because I have a problem with that. In this class I have been doing very good and im meeting most of my goals for this class(:

  3. Devin Says:

    This year was very exciting, especially football time and playing under the lights. I thought that this year went by fast and as half of the year went pass, I am slowly reaching my goals I had for the year. I think I have met a couple of my goals like get a 3.0 or higher. I thought that I had learned ALOT with the Lama teachers and I hope the next half will even be better. Next half, I want to get a higher GPA. I also want to start FRESH and CLEAN like, no detention, no D’s or F’s! PAU 🙂

  4. amber k. Says:

    These past 2 quarters have been a lot of work, learning, and fun altogether. I have learned a lot and i believe that i have met most of my goals. Im not getting any detentions, i’ve improved by .3 or more since last year. i have also got a maikai award. Overall i think that i have set my goals high enough because i am doing very well. Although i didn’t get a 4.0 i am always learning from my mistakes so i hope to get a 4.0 this quarter.i can always improve by no incident reports, or getting all A+’s. i am very compelled to set my goals even higher now.

  5. Chelsey Says:

    Wow!! This half of the school year went by faster than I have expected. I have experienced a lot of different things only this half of the year. Over the half of the year I learned many different things like about our school. The Lama team has a GREAT bunch of people. I feel blessed to be on such a great team. I have not met all of my goals like getting a GPA of 4.0. That is the thing I want to work on in the next two quarters. My other goals I have been meeting so I’m really happy about that. The second quarter is almost over and I want to finish strong. Hopefully that I meet that goal. I also hope that everyone meets their goals! :]

  6. Alana N. Says:

    Well this year, is going great so far! I have been getting good grades, and i was keeping up with my work. I met some of my goals so far. I have been going to eight period when i need it, and i have been keeping up with my work! Bus some things that i can improve on for the next 2 quarters is going to my teachers for help more often. But i think that the rest of my 8th great year would be FUN!

  7. Shawnie Says:

    I think that this school year so far has gone by quite fast. Most goals I set this year have been accomplished, but I still have to work on reaching some of my goals. I really like that I can understand algebra math concepts thoroughly. It makes me feel very smart. I look forward to the rest of this school year and my entire time at Kamehameha Schools! (:

  8. Shawna:) Says:

    Well this year is just flying right on by. I didn’t think that the year would go by so fast. i have met some my goals for this year but i want to meet all of them. I think that i am going to improve doing better with my math skills so when i go to high school i will understand my work. I hope to have a good rest of the year. By the end of the school year i hope to meet all my goals.

  9. Allie Y. Says:

    During this first half of the school year, things have gone pretty well. It’s been a lot harder than 7th grade, just because of the work amount. I did well with getting the grades that I wanted and I seem to be managing my time better. I was pretty pleased with my test scores in math, but definitely not my homework scores. 1st quarter seemed a lot easier than the 2nd, because the work in almost every class got harder. But the first half of the school year has been really fun and a good experience. One thing that I need to improve on is managing my time even better. In Math, I also need to get better homework grades by focusing and doing my work thoroughly. Another goal I have is to be more enthusiastic about work and not complain about it. I feel that this 8th grade year is preparing me well. All in all, this first half of the year has been super fun, and I’m glad things worked out the way it did. Well, good luck on the rest of the year and have an awesome break!

  10. Paihi Says:

    This 1/2 of the school year went fast and we didn’t even notice. We all were having so much fun no one really got see the time fly by. This was a great half of the school year i got to meet different people and kind of make friends but yeah other than that I am doing pretty good. Our teachers parent must be terrorist because they the bomb. I wish this year will never end but it got to sooner or later. I think I could do my homework on time more so yeah thats all. Thank YOu FoR EvERy ThINg

  11. Philip0 Says:

    The first half of the school year was pretty good and I thought that it would get harder but either it didn’t get harder or I learned fast enough so that it didn’t get overwhelming for me. I did most of my homework and only missed a couple of assignments in the first quarter. I think that I accomplished 2 goals this semester but I think I could have done better if I had focused just a little more. The KMT’s were pretty easy because we only had like one every one or two weeks and I felt that it was pretty easy since it was spread out so much. Hopefully I can accomplish a couple more goals this by the end of the year and get good grades in stuff.

  12. Kaikena Says:

    the first half of this school year went by really really fast!!! i am kinda following my goals in math. not really in my other stuff though 🙁 . i did get a 3.5 in the first quarter just lyk i wanted 🙂 . in my otthherr stufff thouggghh 8l. lets hope the best for this next quarter :). majalo nui loa

  13. Kalalani Says:

    If I really look at it, this two quarters have just flown on by. Many situations and problems have come in my life, and have made it difficult for me to live. But, as always, there are so many people there just helping me, nourishing my roots, helping me learn and grow. I have not been giving my all these past two quarters, which do reflect in my grades. They are not bad, but are not the best either. I have come to realize many things when people point them out to me. For this past math test, I realized how important this was for me, but in a short time’s notice (two days before the test.) I studied so much, and tried my best on the test, and that showed me how important little things are. The littlest of things you do can impact your whole life. Since the begging of the year, I have grown up in so many ways.

  14. Kaimi C Says:

    This year is going by really fast. I think it has been a really good year so far but we still have a lot to do. I think i still have time to get to my goal but for right now I have not accomplished it. It has been really fun with the team. After the break I will be looking forward to coming and being with the team again. I think I have gotten better during the year and I know I will get even more better.

  15. Taylor A Says:

    This first half of the school year has been good fun. Its going by pretty fast, faster then usuall. I like 8th grade because we are the highest grade in the middle school. Math his been pretty hard for me but I think if I listen and pay attention more i could do better. I didn’t meet one of my goals cause I have not to good grades. 2 C’s and the rest B’s and A’s. I was planning to do better. Some things i want to achieve in this next half of the school year to try to get all B’s and A’s, dont get anymore detentions, and listen more in class.

  16. Maile K:) Says:

    Wow, it doesn’t even feel like half way through the year. It still feels like first quarter or something. I guess it means i have been enjoying this year a lot then. (way more than last year!) I did meet all my year goals for first quarter. I got a 4.0, made new friends, and didn’t get any detention. This quarter, i did get one detention, but it was kind of minor-ish. I need to really keep up my grades too, because they are going down to B+s and its making me very mad. I am continuing to make friends though…and i really like it this year. I do know that i have half a year more and i will keep doing my best!

  17. Brachelle N. (: Says:

    This 8th grade year so far has been tons of fun! I learned many different things in math this year. I’ve had some hard times, but I always figured it out with the help of our wonderful class:) (GO A3!). I feel that I have reached some of my goals, but I think that I can do better this second half of the year. I have learned about slope, graphing, functions, and much more, and I hope to learn more this second half. (:

  18. Kanoe Says:

    The first half of the school year has gone past so fast! Just thinking about going to ninth grade kind of scares me. But, I know that I have wonderful friends and teachers to help me get there. I feel very comfortable in this Lama, ohana, team with all its love, friendship, and kindness that it shares. This year, I think I’ve accomplished my goal by being a bit more comfortable in frount of my peers. Next, one of my goals next year is to get a head of the work and not procrastinate so much. Mele Kalikimaka!

  19. Megan Leslie (: Says:

    As I look back and reminisce about the past two quarters, i have gone through a lot. From drama and bad grades, to falling down the stairs and tripping over my own feet. Before 8th grade I never really cared about my grades and what happened in school, honestly, the only thing i really cared about was graduating. Now that I have grown up a little more, I care about school and what kind of grades i receive. Even though i have my bad days and those days when i just dread coming to school, i suck it up. I noticed this year that i express myself in many different ways. I can’t believe that in about another 36 weeks i’ll be heading off to be a FRESHlady(: I’m so excited! I didn’t reach all of my goals this year, but i still have time. My grades this year have been through roller coasters. Lama has been a very good team, I can talk to the teachers and feel very comfortable with what I share with them. From being on Lama, with caring teachers and a lot of friends, I have noticed a lot of things about myself that I’ve never really noticed before. This year is going great! MERRY CHRISTMAS (:

  20. Kona Says:

    I think that the first half of the school year went by pretty fast. I had lots of fun and a feel like I’ve improved academically, athletically, and socially. I can’t wait for the what’s next. I admit, I’ve had my ups and down for the first two quarters but I’m glad i got through it with the help of family, friends, and teachers. I hope to continue a fun-filled 8th grade year. Some of my goals have actually been achieved already but there are some that i know i must work harder for.

  21. KALEI=] Says:

    I think that this year has gone by really fast. Things at school have gotten more, i guess hard, because we’re in middle school and you know DRAMA, but it’s been interesting. I think I have met some of my goals, but not all of them. In the new year my resolution is, and it’s always, NOT to procrastinate. I am really good at procrastinating. But, hopefully the new year will get me motivated to do good. So, all in all, i am happy this year, so far, went well 🙂

  22. Christian Says:

    It’s halfway through the year already? WOW! That means that it’s almost 2009. I think that I have done pretty well throughout the time that I’ve been in 8th grade.I almost forgot about my goals too, but i fulfilled most of them. This also means that I’m almost to High School too. It’s cool though, so, I had fun so far this year. 😀

  23. Nick Says:

    I think that the second half of the school year went by so quickly. I started off really good in the beginning but then I started to slack and I am trying to finish strong. One of my goals is to get all A’s and I am almost there. I hope that I can work hard in this last week of school to reach my goal. I liked this quarter of school a lot and I think that I am getting better at ding my schoolwork. I am sure that I can do better but and that is my goal for next quarter.

  24. Shaney Says:

    Wow, these first two quarters went by fast. In most cases, I think that 8th grade was easier then 7th grade, especially in math because I’m starting to actually understand it. I thought that the first quarter was easier then the 2nd. I don’t know why though. 36 more weeks! that was fast! I can’t wait til next quarter.

  25. Taylor Lemke Says:

    I did way better this year then last year in grades. I think I am doing better this year in all aspects. My grades are satisfactory, and my classes are great. I have learned a lot in this one semester. I will need to improve on remembering to do assignments like this though, i will also need to improve on getting my assignments in on time.

  26. Zoey Says:

    So far in this school year I think that I have been doing ok. I accomplished some of my goals which were to get all Aʻs and Bʻs. It has gotten harder since I am playing a sport, and i think that I need to work on balancing that out more. I want to get better in everything in the next 2 quarters. Other then that I think that I did pretty good.

  27. Pomai Says:

    I think that this half of the year was very interesting because of the things that happened and what I learned from everyone. I really liked 8th grade better than 7th grade because I think that we have more fun! I think that the first half of this school year went by really fast! I really want to enjoy my middle school year before I go up to high school. I’ve accomplished some of my goals athletically and academically. Over all I think that I did well and I’m really enjoying this year so far.

  28. Kelly Says:

    I think that this year went by fast. I also think that if I just keep doing my work and keep on top of it, even with cheerleading I think that I can do well in math.

  29. Josh A Says:

    The first Quarter was the easiest but it always is but in the second quarter my grades have fallen, minimally of course. I hope that I can keep my grades steady. Last year my grades followed a direct pattern from A’s and B’s to B’s and C’s to C’s and C’s. I think my work method has improved however and hope to continue this.

  30. Blake Says:

    The first half of my 8th grade year was good I think because I was impressed. I was impressed because I got all A’s and B’s, so I was very proud of my self. I did my job as a student for getting those grades. lol! The teachers are also doing their jobs because I learn from them then I do the work and get good grades! yay! I think that I can improve by paying a little more attention in class because that throws me off a little If I dont know what im doing in class. Other then that I had fun and I will keep doing my best… lol!MEN!

  31. kenika Says:

    I thought this first half was alright. I made lots of new friends played around with the old ones. I think that if i manged my time more wisley would be better. I think it was a pretty good year and I wouldnt change it for the world okay im done PEACE!!!!

  32. Keanapuni A. Says:

    This year is going by really fast. So did 7th grade as well, i think middle school is the easiest and most fun part of school. It’s really hard to believe that I’m going to be in high school pretty soon or like 36 weeks! I have been meeting all of my goals in 8th grade so far. The counselors said that 2nd quarter would be the hardest because of all the christmas activities and things, but it is the best for me. Mostly all A’s and nothing under a B+. (Math is one of those classes with the B+).I stopped eating chewy candies because my braces kept on breaking, that is another goal accomplished. I am going to be better in the next to quarters, enjoy my christmas vacation, put my old toys in flames during new years, and prepare for high school. Adios

  33. Tori Says:

    So far, the year has been going by kinda fast. I like my classes, teachers, and classmates. I have been reaching my goals, but I think that I can push myself a little harder. I think I can still improve on a lot of things but overall I think that this year is going pretty good. Some days are super boring but I still manage to stay awake during classes. I hope that I can keep up my hard work in all of my subjects and reach all of my goals before the school year ends!

  34. Logan Ne Says:

    Aloha Ms. Terai,

    I think the goals that I have made in the beginning of the year have been fulfilled (or at least some of my goals like getting a 3.5-4.0 grade point average and learning as much pre-algebra things as I can). I think my grades in the first quarter of the year is better than my grades right now in the second quarter but that’s probably because the teachers didn’t really assign us anything but signing the course syllabus. I think I can do better this quarter but I think it’s pretty hard managing all my clubs and my Na Opio rehearsals @ 4-8 pm. I plan to get straight A’s by the end of the year.

  35. Bronson Says:

    The has gone good and it is going really fast. I am getting use to my teachers and i am able to talk to them freely. I enjoy how they stretch due dates so that we can turn in assignments. I have been reaching my goals, except for 1. But other than that its going sort of good. I think i could improve on my procrastination, i hold out till the due date and usually get a bad grade. I could also stop putting fun before work. Most days bore me to sleep, (recent incidents in science and speech). But they are fun still, in some way

  36. James P Says:

    I think that the year is going by really fast. At first, I wasn’t that comfortable with my teachers. Now I am a lot more comfortable and I can really get along with them. I enjoy how the teachers empathize with us and extend the due dates for many of the assignments, and how they always try to give us extra credit. The years is not kind, but you have to get used to it if you want to be successful in life. I think that my goals are slowly being reached, and with the results now, I think that they will be reached by the end of the year. I think I could work on procrastination and I think I could put more effort in my work. Most of the time, I am spend wrestling, playing music, but my studies come first and the year is going fun.

  37. LOGAN K. Says:

    I liked this year so far. Its been really really fun. I have had some really fun experiences with my newly acquired friends. I really like this team cause its the be.st ever! THe year has been good so far so I want to finish up strong with good grades and with new friends

  38. tiana Says:

    I liked school so far this year. It has been a little bit easier than last year. It has also been going by a lot faster! I can’t believe that half the year is over! This year I also made new friends and yes, a few of them are in 7th grade. I also like the team I am on this year. LAMA ROX!!! My goal was to get all A’s but… meh. I have mostly B’s and one C+. But I am glad that I don’t have any D’s or F’s. This year has been full of new experiences such as being in Na’opio Singers and being in 8th grade in general. I hope to finish the rest of the school year strong with good grades and (hopefully) good classes for next year.

  39. Lilia Says:

    I think that this year is going by really fast. I’m having a fun time being apart of Pü’ulu Lama. I like it a lot. I haven’t met all my goals yet for this year. But I didn’t get any detentions yet this year which is a good thing! And I did meet my goal for coming in to 8th period when I need it. Everything is going pretty good for me so far this year. I am comfortable now with my teachers. They are all good teachers. I hope to improve my work in the new year. Like working harder to turn in more of my homework on time and to try my best on school work and homework. I would also try improving my studying for all the tests that is yet to come.

  40. Jacob Says:

    This year has been very fun. i have learned aot. I am proud to be a LAMA student. I love my teachers because they help me excel in l. THANKZ LAMA TEACHERS

  41. Jake Kealohi Says:

    I think I did well in the first half of the school year. I did better in the first quarter than I did in the second. I now realize what I have to do to be successful in the third and fourth quarters. I need to stop procrastinating and develop better time management skills. In the second half of this school year I will continue to try my best in all my classes. I am eager to see what the rest of the school year is going to be like.

  42. Taeler Says:

    This semester went along pretty well for me. I have met my goals at their half-way point so I still have two quarters left to completely fulfill them. But for the most part I have improved and it helped me grow into a better person. Especially since I’ve had the help from the people around me. As for my goals and resolutions for the new year I feel as if I have already started them. I can’t wait for the new year, it brings all of us a fresh start.

  43. Kahookano Says:

    This year has been flying by so far and I love it. I really like this class and thanks for being a great teacher. You have helped me and help me to know everything else better.

  44. Michael C Says:

    I thought that the year went by kinda fast. I thought that math class was fun especially because I sit next to some funny people(no names preferred)and also because I got what was being taught. I think that I have completed my goal which was to understand what was being taught to me. I think that now I am ready to learn more harder things that his math program has to offer and also hopefully I can understand it so that I de well later in the future.I can’t wait for the sencond half of the school year to come so that I have a brand new start and brand new things to learn. Happy Holidays Everyone and a Happy New Year.

  45. The Royce Man Says:

    Honestly, this year has been pretty rough for me. I know that I am really gonna need to step up my game if I am going to be applicable to play sports. I learned a lot and I know that I will keep learning. At the end, I know that it will benefit me a lot but for know I really need to challenge myself. Happy Chinese New Year everybody.

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