Kamehameha Math Trail

September 11th, 2008 by kiterai

What is the Kamehameha Math Trail?  Post a comment regarding what you think it might be?  This is due by Wednesday, September 24.  Please write 3 sentences or more using proper grammar.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 97 Comments »

97 Responses

  1. alyssa Says:

    i am not sure what the math trail is?!?
    i think it has something to do with a trail that involves math problems….

  2. Tori Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is a project that is going to be done over the year. I think that it has something to do with the different stages of math.

  3. Nainoa Says:

    I think the Kamehameha Math trail is a paper that shows all the scores of our tests and homework. I think it will be like a graph that shows how we improved and got worse. I think the “math trail” is like a new grading system.

  4. Michael C Says:

    I don’t really know what the Kamehameha Math Trail is but I think that it is how we’re going to see how well we did over the whole school year once we’re done with the school year. I also think that we’ll learn all types of math but these are all just guesses.

  5. James P Says:

    I have my doubts about the Kamehameha Math Trail Ms. Terai. You are making this very suspicious.
    RIght now in my mind, I am thinking in my mind that this Kamehameha Math Trail is a trail that will lead us to some house or magical land, where we will be given everything we desire, while learning math, and just while things get good, some witch pops out and eats us all up…

    Thinking more logically, I think that the math trail is a trail of math.

  6. Jacob Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is a project that will be ongoing through the course of the year. And it will cover happenening in the school year. And we will relate it to math.

  7. Kaikena }:] Says:

    i think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is the journey we will go through in math this year. we will see where we are in math at the beginning, then at the end we will analyze ourselves, and see how we have proggressed. that is what i think the Kamehameha Math Trail is.

  8. k13talemk Says:

    I think the Kamehameha math trail is a math assignment/project that we will follow through out the year and will be a big part of our grade. Again this is a guess.

  9. Paihi Says:

    I think that the Math Trail is a activity that we do as a class. I think this will be in the mountains and their is going to be math problems going up the trail.

  10. Kamea Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is something that we are going to do this year, like a project of some kind.

  11. David Says:

    The Kamehameha Math Trail is a project that uses math and what we would use in every day life. Yeah, my brother HAD to tell me…

  12. Jewel Says:

    I think that the math trail is a math project we are going to do. I also think it is going to be a project we are doing all year. It sounds fun and I think I will learn a lot from it.

  13. Nanea Says:

    I think a math trail is a new way we will be learning

  14. Davin Says:

    I think the Kamehameha math trail is a trail of math. It is kinda hard to say what it is because I do not know anything about it. I hope there is something at the end of the trail.

  15. Makoa Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math trail is a project that involves math. I think we are going to try to find things somewhere using math. Thats what i think the Kamehameha Math trial is about.

  16. Kealaka‘i Says:

    I think that the math trail is a saying about our challenge though out our school year. Even after the school year the next year we will continue on this trail. That is what I think the Math trail is about.

  17. Phoenix Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is something we started in kindergarten and will be used in high school. It sounds like it has to do with different levels of math.

  18. Shawna M-T. Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is a project that we well be doing year long. I also think that this involves math. I think that i will enjoy this a whole lot.

  19. Azariah Distajo Says:

    I think that the kamehameha Math Trail is a project that will be a year long project that leads to a final one at the end of the year. Honestly, I AM NOT LOOKING FOWARD TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just joking. it sounds fun

  20. Justin W. Says:

    I think that the math trail is a scavenger hunt in the mountains. It could also be some math equations that make a trail. Or it could simply be a math worksheet.

  21. Alana Says:

    I think the Kamehmeha Math Trail is a project that we will be working on through out our time at Kamehameha Schools. I think that our teachers well be keeping track of our grades, and be keeping a “trail” of it when we go up to High School.

  22. Napua Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha math trail is trail of objects, each leading to the next. You just have to answer a problem having to do with the object, and the answer will lead you to the next one.

  23. Pomai Recca Says:

    I think that the math trail is something that we’ll be working on throughout the whole year. I really think that this new project will help people improve on their math education.

  24. Kelly Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha math trail is a game that we play that can help us with a area in math where we are struggling. So we can know everything really well and be ready for high school.

  25. Megan Q Says:

    I think that the math trail is something that we 8th graders will go through as we go on throughout our school year. It may also be a project of problems or equations thats worth a big grade. But I’m sure it’s a path the student will take during his or her math course this year that shows the progress the student has made or will make.

  26. Malia Says:

    I think that Kamehameha Math Trail is something that teaches us math in a fun and easy way. It can go at your pace, and you don’t get all flustered.

  27. Lino Says:

    I think that the kamehameha math trail is a trail of math. I think that it will help me out a lot. I think that the math trail will make math more fun and interesting.

  28. Cali Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is a project. I think that we will go around campus, or somewhere, and create a trail… of math!. I really don’t know what it is.

  29. Taylor A Says:

    I think that the Kamehaeha math trail is where we go around campus and use math to answer questions all around us. I think its going to take up most of the year. I hope its easy.

  30. Christian Says:

    I think that the math trail is about what we do at school. We will probably have to do math problems about our life and school buildings. Maybe interview a person who works here. Then put it all in a 1/2 inch binder. Or something like that. (Note: I might not have just had class with Ms. Terai and she might not have just told me what the Math Trail is.)

  31. Kalalani Says:

    I think that the math trail is obviously a trail of math. Around the campus, elementary and high school included, we’ll be going around seeing how math is used in our everyday lives. From teachers, to students, to faculty, we’ll all see all the different points of view of how math is being used. I think that this will somehow help throughout my school life here at Kamehameha Schools.

  32. keanapuni Armstrong Says:

    I don’t really know what the math trail is,but i think it is a project we will be working on throughout the school year.

  33. Patrick Says:

    I think that the math trail means that all the years that we have been doing math the trail will lead us further and further into life in math.

  34. Taeler Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is either a series of problems spread out throughout the school for like a scavenger hunt or a series of math questions from all the different lessons that we’ve learned. Either way I hope it’s not that hard.

  35. Amber Says:

    I think that the kamehameha math trail is a program or system that will help us to learn math but in a fun way. I think that it will help us out a lot. Also, it might make us enjoy doing math more.

  36. amber kono Says:

    I think that Kamehameha Math Trail is a great learning experience. It could be a math trail that gets harder and harder but at the same time its gets even more fun and interesting.

  37. Lei K Says:

    I think that the math trail is a trail or journey of our math experiences. Even though you already told me what it was about, I thought that it would be a project. I’m super duper sorry I’m so late at this!! I promise next time I’ll be on time!

  38. Devin H Says:

    Well, I already know what math trail is now and before i thought it was the events that happen in math that is like a trail.

  39. Haaheo Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha math trail is a trail that will lead us through the year using math.

  40. Tanner Y Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail is something that we start in eight grade and finish in high school.

  41. Ross Says:

    I think that the math trail is a trail to learning more about math. I also think that we will get food in the math trail. I hope we learn a lot in the math trail.

  42. Tiana Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail will have something to do with math. I think that the math trail will last the whole school year. I hope that the Kamehameha Math Trail will be a fun project.

  43. Joanna Says:

    I think that the Kamehameha Math Trail will have to do with how we do things in the future and help us. But I had no idea of what it was before. I hope it’s a lot of fun!

  44. Makana Says:

    Well the math trail i think is just like hiking when you have obstacles on every turn. Like if it is a stream or a cliff. I think that maybe it is just the simple things around us will sometimes require math in one way or the other.

  45. Ikaika Says:

    i think the kmt is a year long project that we will do. It will be fun learning about the school while doing math. i look foward to doing the math trail.

  46. Logan N Says:

    The visit to the archives was because we got to see the things that were built before the school was rebuilt. One interesting thing that I learned from the archives was that Kekuhaupio Gym was an airplane hangar before it was rebuilt.

  47. Patrick Says:

    I just did my interview yesterday and I really enjoyed it. I was kind of scared because it only took me five minutes to finish the questions so I just talked story with and I had alot of fun. I learned a lot from him and I appreciate he has taught me and there is actually a lot of things you have to do as a principal and that has been his dream job ever since he has grown up. He loves kid

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