coming up…

Hi again! Just a couple things to cover here…

Updated Keiki Wellness Check Procedure

So, a letter went out to you all last week regarding an update to our daily Keiki Wellness check protocol. If you didn’t see it yet, click the link in the header or check the Newsletters, etc. page and a copy is there for you. According to our protocol, COVID-19 symptoms include any of the following that are NOT caused by a chronic medical condition:

  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fever or chills
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Headache
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain

If your keiki experiences one or more of these symptoms regularly as a result of a chronic medical condition (such as asthma or allergies), you need to submit documentation from your doctor otherwise every time your keiki comes down with one of the aforementioned symptoms, we will need a doctor’s note to readmit them to school after only ONE day of experiencing a symptom within a 14 day window. We know it’s a little much but please understand that we are doing our best to keep everyone safe and healthy. A note from your doctor naming the condition and outlining the symptoms would be very helpful IF this applies to your keiki. Otherwise, please bear with us! We super mahalo your honesty and patience.

School Pictures

We are all set to take school pictures on February 16 & 18. You can order the traditional way using the flyer that was sent home or you can head over to the website and order online. Note: Keiki must bring a mask to wear while waiting to get their picture taken. If your keiki is sick on school picture day, please keep them home. Retakes are TBA by appointment at the studio. The deadline for ordering online is Thursday, 2/18 by 6pm.

100th Day of School

Our 100th day of school falls on February 4th. We will keep you posted on our in-class plans but please start thinking about your keiki’s 100 item collection as the photos are due by Friday, 1/29. (Didn’t get this flyer either? Click on the link in the header or find it on the Newsletters, etc. page too.)

Voluntary COVID Testing

A letter came out today from our Poʻo Kula Shelli Kim with some clarification about the recent COVID testing we offered as well as important information regarding testing going forward. There is also an active link in the letter if you want to request another optional test for your keiki for February. The letter can be accessed through the link in the header or by heading to the Newsletters, etc. page.

Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo for helping to get this quarter off to a great start! We appreciate you! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to text or email us.