Happy Digital Learning Day!

Thank you for attending today’s meeting.  If you were unable to attend please click on the Adobe Connect recording link here to watch a recording of the meeting.

Sprouting activity:

  1. Visit one of the links provided in today’s presentation and be ready to share your experience in a Wiki PD at our next session AND visit and post on the Na Oili blog.

3 thoughts on “Happy Digital Learning Day!

  1. It is super exciting to have quality ebooks at the touch of our hands via the internet. Students are using non-fiction books on Big Universe Learning to do independent research! Certain students want to publish writing about animals using Little Bird Tales, and need facts from a resource, so we use another tab to show Big Universe, and the students (1st graders) switch from the two sites seamlessly! They read, think and type to publish their work. This is AWESOME to see at first grade! However, when we use an iPad, students will learn to use the home button to switch apps. 🙂

  2. I have been using Big Universe with my students too! We’ve also used non-fiction books. It’s really convenient because I don’t always have time to run down to Hi`ilei to check out books. Now, I just turn on the computer. I love the large selection of books.

    In other news, I downloaded an iTunes U module on integrating iPads into the classroom. This starts off very basic with “iPad Buttons and Switches” and ends with “Creating Online Forms for Use on Your iPad”. I think this would work well for newbies and pros because of the range of videos that are available for viewing. I have also started collecting lists of great apps to use in the classroom. Yeehaw!

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