
How the Body Works

Visit this site to find quick short video clips for children to learn about the human body. Plus, it includes quizzes, articles, activities, and word finds.

Screen Shot 2013-09-18 at 11.33.02 PMEating Right from Brain Pop Jr.

Learn new words from the word wall, watch the movie, record things you learned in talk about it, and then take the quiz!

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Nutrition and Fitness

A great website for children to learn all about nutrition and fitness.

Screen Shot 2013-09-18 at 11.34.14 PMNutrition and Health Games

This website includes an assortment of interactive games related to fitness and health.

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Choose any of the following names and decide on their fitness and nutrition choices, and see the effects. Choose wisely!

Ethan     Gabriel      Soledad      Ben      Brennan     Cecelia
