
You are:

Queen Liliʻuokalani

– With all due respect, your Highness, after King Kalākaua’s death, why did you sign the oath to uphold the Constitution of 1887?

– After taking the throne, what did your people urge you to do?

– In the afternoon of Jan. 17, 1893 what was your reaction to seeing that a company of marines landed in Honolulu and stood facing the Palace with guns drawn?

– To whom did you surrender and why?

– Why did you not ask your people to stand and fight?

– Have you written a memoir and where can people find it?


Lorrin A. Thurston

– Name all of the groups you led in chronological order.
– Why did the Hawaiian League move to take power away from the King?
– Why was annexation important to your group?
– What motivated you to overthrow the Queen and her government?

John L. Stevens
– What did you do to help the Thurston faction?
– Why? Personal motives?
– When you landed the troops, was it done with authority of the US gov’t?

James Blount
– Why did you come to Hawaiʻi?
– What did you do while here?
– To whom did you speak?
– What were the results of your findings?
– How were they compiled and to whom were they submitted?

Pres. Grover Cleveland
– Mr. President, you are often referred to as friend of the Queen. What was your first act upon taking the presidency, in Congress, that seemed to support the Queen?

– After the recommendations of Mr. Blount’s report, what did you do next? Did you speak with representatives of the Provisional Gov’t?

– What did they tell you?
– What did you do then?

– Why? What kind of criticism/pressure were you facing from your critics? What were they saying?

Robert Kalanihiapo Wilcox
– Mr. Wilcox, please explain what you attempted to do and why.

– You were not successful but will go down in history as a folk-hero, a fighter. It is interesting though that you went against tradition & did not heed the words of your Queen. Care to explain?

John Tyler Morgan
– Sir, please tell us who you are and what your role is in Congress.

– We understand that you conducted your own interviews on the Hawaiian situation. What did you find?

– To whom did you speak?

– Now, be honest, you’re making all of this up aren’t you? What are your real motives? Why do you want Hawaiʻi so bad?

Royal Hawaiian Band Member

– Following the overthrow, what did the P.G. ask you to do?

– What is the name of the protest song written to commemorate your opposition to the P.G?

– What does the phrase “ʻAi Pōhaku” mean?


Congressman 1 who supported annexation
– When the issue of annexing Hawaiʻi came to the floor, why were you in support of it?

Congressman 2 who did not support annexation
– When the issue of annexing Hawaiʻi came to the floor, why were you not in support?

To both Congressmen
– How did the vote turn out?

– Explain how your President urged Congress to take Hawaiʻi in 1898 and why he felt annexing Hawaiʻi was an absolute necessity at the time.

– Explain how Congress annexed Hawaiʻi.

– What was the name of the document?

Hawaiian citizen

– Can you describe ways that ordinary Hawaiians protested annexation even in the smallest of ways.

Pres. of Hui Aloha ‘Āina James Kauliʻa

– What significant actions did your group along with the women’s patriotic league take to express Hawaiian objections to annexation? Give details.

– Did the petitions make any difference? Seeing into the future, what impact to the petitions have on Hawaiians of the 21st century and why?

American Hawai’i

Sanford B. Dole
– After taking full control of Hawaiʻi the P.G. declared their independence on July 4changed their name to what and governed under this name until when? Why?
– Explain how you were able to carve out a tight circle of friends to run a country.

One of the Big 5
-Who are you?
-What business are you in?
-Explain your control over Hawaiʻiʻs economy.
-How long did you hold this monopoly over Hawaiʻiʻs econmony?


US president

-Why didn’t you inform Hawaiians on their right to self-determination?

UN representative

-Why didn’t you do more to defend Hawaiian rights to self-determination?

-According to the UN charter, Hawaiians were supposed to have an all Hawaiian vote with three choices. What were those three choices?

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