September 24-28

Please post your initiatives.

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Aloha mai kakou! I am Darrin Sato of the Instructional Technology Services team at Kamehameha Schools. Our goal is to collaborate with K-12 teachers to define and implement effective strategies to enhance and support pedagogy and curriculum with technology.

4 thoughts on “September 24-28”

  1. 1-Digital Performer Recording & Soundtrack – PE PPT Presentation for 1st Annual Hawaiian Health & Fitness Fair sponsored by University of Hawaii(B. Matsuda, T. Freitas, T. Chock)
    2-ITS Meeting
    3-I Mua e Kameheameha, K-12 Teacher InService Day, Headmaster & Principals – Objectives & Focus for School Year 2007-08

  2. Here are my weekly initiatives:
    1. ITMD Core Team Meeting
    2. Meeting with Consultants: Discuss ITMD Practical Working Document
    3. Demo of Student Technology Assessment Application

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