5G: Solar Boat Journey

During the third trimester, the fifth graders have been working hard in creating a solar boat for the HELCO Solar Boat Regatta on Saturday, May 12 at Hilo Intermediate School. Each group was given a standard motor and solar panel, two choices of propellers and some other simple pieces. The rest was up to them. Design, materials used, set up, decorations and everything was left up to the group members.

Rain or shine and even staying in for their recess, these students worked hard to solve problems such as turning boats, flipping over boats or just not going any where boats. Students had to test and fix and test and fix. Over and over trying to get the boat to meet the standards. To meet the standard the boat must run 2-meters in 15 seconds. To exceed the standard the boat must carry a three ounce weight while running 2-meters in 30 seconds.

Not only did the students face challenges on creating a boat, but also they faced challenges in working together in groups. Students had to be able to work with each other, think of solutions to problems, compromise on suggestions and ideas, listen to each others ideas, all while being respectful. Groups even managed to help each other when others were stuck. Overall, the fifth graders accomplished a lot even though their boats may have not meet the standards, it was a valuable lesson of team work, perseverance, and hard work.

Take a look at Mrs. Pai’s class and Mrs. Ah Hee’s class and their journey of creating their solar boats. We hope that you can join us at the solar boat regatta on May 12 from 8 am – 12 pm. Please show your support for the students hard work and learning.

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