2nd Trimester Topics

Want to know what you’ll be studying or what our child will be doing in 2nd trimester? Here is a brief overview of what they will be studying.

Kindergartners – Observation is the key step in scientific inquiry, which is why the kindergartners are continuing their study on using senses to make observations.   They will then study physical properties of objects.   Using their senses to make observations, the kindergartners will describe how objects, feel, look, and sound like.

First Grade – During the second trimester first grader will be learning about volcanoes in preparation for their huakai to Volcanoes National Park. They’ll be looking at types of volcanoes, how the Hawaiian Islands were formed, and parts of volcanoes. Then they will conduct experiments to gain more understanding of the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas.  Students will learn about the properties and characteristics of each state of matter.

Second Grade – The second graders will continue their study on habitats by exploring the Hawaiian rainforest and the unique plants and animals that occupy it. Also, they will be learning about what is recycling, how to recycle and the importance of recycling.

Third Grade – The third graders will be exploring the area of geology by taking a look at the Earth and its materials.  They will look at land features on the surface of the Earth, the layers of the earth and the material that makes up the all in between. This includes how weathering and erosion plays a big part in shaping the Earth’s surface.

Fourth Grade – The second trimester brings a whirlwind of topics that all relates to change.  The fourth graders will be focusing how these types of weather phenomena and natural disasters change the landscape and change people.  Knowing about how these disasters affect people  and places will give them a better understanding of the importance of being prepared for a disaster.

Fifth Grade – Where do you get your traits and physical characteristics?  The fifth graders will investigate the world of heredity and genetics by looking at how traits are passed from one generation to the next.  Also they will look at how adaptations and mutations play a part in survival of the fittest.

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