K: Germs! Germs! Germs!

We’re on the ground.

We’re in the air.

We’re GERMS and we live EVERYWHERE!

This was the theme from the book Germs! Germs! Germs! by Bobbi Katz. Kindergartners listened as the book explained where germs are found, what germs can do and how they prevent germs from spreading.  After discussing why we wash hands and where germs can be found, they conducted their first science experiment…my favorite one that I do with every kindergarten class.

Are there germs on your hand?

The experiment demonstrated to the students how germs can spread by just touching hands.  Using a glow in the dark lotion, known to us as the ‘fake’ germs,  one set of students greeted Mrs. Chang with a hand shake.  Role playing a sick person, Mrs. Chang frequently cough, sneezed and rubbed her nose as she shook the student’s hand.  We then checked to see if my germs, the lotion, transferred to their hands.  (This is always my favorite part of the experiment.) Using a UV light, we checked their hands. If they had germs, it would glow a bright orange.

Eventually student shook each others hands to see how the germs can transfer to several people when hands are not washed.

We ended the activity with a hand washing lesson.  Students had wonderful ideas on how to wash hands.

Washing the germs down the drain.

Here are their suggestions:

  1. Wash with soap and water.
  2. Sing the alphabet song while washing your hands.
  3. Rinse really good.
  4. Dry your hands well.


Germs! Germs! Germs! from Kalei Chang on Vimeo.

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