Category Archives: Ed. Tech Resources

Go Get Glogged With Glogster

If you haven’t noticed, Glogster EDU is one of my absolute favorite Web 2.0 tools.  So this morning when I was checking my facebook page and saw today’s Edublogs’ Free Tool Challenge was titled, Go Get Glogged With Glogster, I had to share.

Even if you’ve used Glogster in your classroom, go check out Go Get Glogged With Glogster.  Not only does the post contain excellent resources and ideas for using Glogster, but the author, Glenda Morris, also links to information about using Creative Commons in Glogs.  In fact, here’s a Glog she created on Creative Commons:

If you take on this challenge, send me the link to your post. I’d love to check it out! 🙂

Glogster Video Update

Ever use Glogster in your classroom and try to upload video and wonder why nothing happens?  Or think your computer is freezing?  Well here’s some great news!  Glogster EDU has added a uploading status bar to their bag of tricks!  It’s located right at the top of the Glog when in edit mode.  And even better, Glogster now also shows the video processing in the Video toolbox!  More great features given to us bu Glogster EDU that makes it user friendly to use with our students.  So, what are you waiting for?  Glog on!

Embedding your Glog on Your KS Blog

One of the wonderful things about Glogster is you have the option embedding your Glog into a Blog or a Wiki.  But one of the things I ran into when trying to embed my glog into my blog is the size was either too big, or too small.  So here’s how you can embed your glog and make it fit!

  1. From your Glogster EDU dashboard, copy the embed code
  2. From your KS Blog dashboard, click on the HTML tab
  3. Paste the embed code and replace the “100” with “70”
  4. Voila!  Your Glog now fits in your Blog!  🙂  Click here to see an example of what it looks like in your blog.

You also have the option of embedding your Glog as you’re saving.  If you copy the embed code from the save menu:

Here’s what your Glog will be scaled to in your Blog: