Here is a sneak peak of our darling munchkins along with former Kula Haʻahaa haumana Lily ( Dorothy) Pono (Scarecrow) and Philip ( Oz Guard). We are so proud of all of you! Click on each picture to enlarge it.

See you at the show!

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Happy Halloween

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Flying Monkeys


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Flying Monkeys at K.S. ???? OH MY!!!!


Evil monkeys have never been so cute, here we have Ka’ena, Kaiolohia and Ehulani ready to take on the Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion, Dorothy and Toto in the upcoming performance of “The Wizard of Oz”.

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Practice Your Founder’s Day Muisc Here!!!!

You can practice all of our Founder’s Day Music just by visiting the music blog.
To practice the 4th verse of He Inoa No Pauahi just click on the link below and sing along with the beautiful voices of 4A
He Inoa No Pauahi
He Inoa No Pauahi

To practice Pauahi Nona Ka Lei and For All the Saints please click on the link on the side entitled “Songs of Kamamehameha….”. It will bring you to a list of beautiful mele. Click on the song you want to hear and you will be able to sing along with the keiki.
Have fun and good luck.

If you get tired of practicing take a break and click on of the fun links of music games. You can challenge yourself or your ‘ohana as you practice your music theory.

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5th Graders

5th graders

5th graders

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CONGRATULATIONS to the following Keiki Choir members who have been cast in our K-12 all school musical “The Wizard of Oz”. We are so proud of these keiki (and their devoted parents) who are willing to give up their time to learn their parts and sing and dance their way into your hearts. The performances will be in Novemeber, more info on on that soon.

Munchkins:Ocean, Xander, Kaʻena, Mikayla, Anela, Dayanee, McKenna, Saige, Auliʻilani,

Laʻiku, Kaili, Kay-Leigh, Ehulani, Tiani, Tabitha, Kaiolohia

School Teachers-Kayla, Kyra, Cailey

City Fathers-DJ, Kameron, Travis, Sean

Monkeys-Travis, Kaʻena, Ehulani, Tiani, Kaiolohia, La’iku

Barrister – Salesi


Tots- lullaby league-Candace, Tylee, Kacelyne, Gia, Sophi

Lollipop kids-Makana, Jake,Kamakana


Braggart Woman-Ewalea

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Round Robin Rondo 4B

Our 4th graders are perfecting their mallet technique while learning about an important element of music- form. This little ditty is aptly named Round Robin Canon because it is a round (one group starts a melody and another group plays the exact same melody yet starts a bit later- yes just like we all sing Row Row Row Your Boat). The musical term for this is “canon”. The entire form of this piece is in Rondo form. That means there is an “A” section, followed by a “B” section, returning to the “A” then on to a “C” section, “A” , “D” ending with “A”. Ask any 4th grader about this Iʻm sure they will be happy to fill you in on all the particulars.

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Ta Ta ti ti Ta

Our 1st graders are learning the name of the notes and rests that make music. Quarter notes, quarter rests and eighth notes are our favorite so far, but stay tuned we will be learning many more.

Kahele puts a rhythm on the magnetic board for her class to clap.

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Star Spangled Banner

Laiʻku and Raynn from 4B  really know their lyrics. They quickly put all the lyrics in place in a quick 46 seconds, WOW!!

Our keiki have been learning the history of two important songs, Hawaii Ponoʻi and The Star Spangled Banner. They have also Here are our 4th graders taking the puzzle of the lyrics and putting the words in the right order.

Students order the lyrics of our national anthem.

4th graders working together

Dylan and Ewalea were quite a team, put the lyrics together in 58 seconds flat.

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