Fifth Graders Skype with Fifth Graders in Illinois

Today 5B was able to skype with their epals in Illinois!  Each student got to meet their epal face to face and ask them some questions about their life in Illinois!  5A will be skyping with their epals in California soon!

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Third Grade Photography Project

The third graders are learning the elements of photography, camera safety and use, and how to use Adobe Photoshop.   They are having a blast taking snapshots and being creative while taking thought provoking and interesting pictures.

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First Grade All About Me

The First Grade is working on an All About Me project using KidPix.  Students will create books of their final work and be able to take their books home!

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Kindergarten ABC Book

The Kindergarteners are using KidPix to create a colorful ABD book that they will add to their classroom library!  Stay tuned for samples of their work!

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Fifth Grade Podcasting Project

The fifth graders are hard at work creating podcasts to share with their peers and others.  We will be posting our podcasts online when they are complete!

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Second Grade Fairy Tale Online Dictionary!

The Second graders participated in a wonderful Fairy Tale Project called the Fairy Tale Online Dictionary.  The students read two Hawaiian versions of fairy tales and posted their work on the Fairy Tale Dictionary Website!  You can view their work at the Fairy Tale Site! Great Work Second Graders!

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Fifth Grade Epals

The Fifth graders are making connections with fellow fifth graders in Boston, California, and Illinois!  We will be collaborating with these students through email, video conferencing, and work on our wiki!  We will be having fun, sharing our culture, and learning a lot!  Stay tuned for updates on what we are learning!

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