Ho`ike 2012 is Here @ KSHHS

Aloha Everyone – it’s that time of the year again at Kamehameha Schools Hawaii High School….Ho`ike 2012.

Hoʻōla Lāhui, Hoʻoulu Pae ʻAina Ma Ke Kahua Paʻa

(Vibrant People, Thriving Lands on a Solid Foundation)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 and Wednesday, March 7, 2012

William Charles Lunalilo Center

 The year 2012 will mark the 125th anniversary of Kamehameha Schools. Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi will showcase our talented students in honoring Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop and the statement we hold dear to our hearts:

 “Your life is before you. It will be what you choose to make it. Times will come when you feel you are being pushed into the backgrounds. Never allow this to happen. Stand always on your own foundation. But you will have to make that foundation. There will come times when to make this stand will be difficult, especially to you of Hawaiian birth; but conquer you can if you will.”

 We will entwine several moʻolelo together to capture this manaʻo past, present and future. One moʻolelo in particular, the Battle of Kuamoʻo demonstrates Prince Kaʻiwikuamoʻokekuaokalani (son of Kamehameha I) and his wife Princess Manono’s strong will and belief to keep the Kapu system, knowing that his half-brother Liholiho Kamehameha II’s  army had canon’s, muskets, and help from a French Frigate L’Uranie commanded by French Captain Freycinet.

 Students will showcase special talents in public speaking, fine art, film, Hawaiian language, chant, choral, dance, instrumental performance and drama.