3/9 – 3/18



  • Standards: History, Civics and Government, Economics


  • 3.6 Describe the emergence of the two party system (including Washington’s warning against political factions in his farewell address, a two-party system emerged by the election of 1800 and manifested itself in the Alien and Sedition Acts


  • Analyze Washington’s attitude toward the role of the federal government in the Whiskey Rebellion and in his Farewell Address.
  • Represent the key positions of Federalists and Republicans in a debate, taking on the roles of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.
  • Identify the positions of Federalists and Republicans in the election of 1800.

Essential Questions:

How did the Federalist and Republican visions for the United States differ?
Launching the New Republic Spring 2015

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Open House

schpixCome and join us for Wehena – Kula Waena Open House.  Meet our dedicated faculty and staff, and check out first-hand what’s happening at the Middle School.  Find out about the educational experiences planned for this year and how you can support your child.  Come early for a light spaghetti dinner. Bring your favorite dessert to share with ʻohana and friends.  Be prepared to have a good time, make new friends, and renew old friendships.

5:00 pm – 5:40 pm    Hoʻokipa-light spaghetti dinner & music

5:45 pm – 6:55 pm     Hoʻolauna-meet faculty & staff

7:00 pm – 7:30 pm     Hōʻike-8th grade students (Kuakini Courtyard)

7:30 pm     A hui hou

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Hui Hoʻokele: The Navigator/Wayfinder

IMG_6116Aloha, As the new school year begins, we have some basic team information to share with you in addition to the information in the Student and Parent Handbook you already received and read.  As an 8th grade team, we are committed to the importance of parent involvement in a student’s education.  We firmly believe that your child receives the best education possible when we all work as a team.  Please read the following information as it explains many of our expectations for your child in our classes.  We need your support of these expectations and we ask your kokua in letting your child know that you also support these standards.  We hope that your year will be successful, productive, and enjoyable! Please feel free to contact us by phone or email at any time.  We look forward to a new and exciting year!  Mahalo for your support!  Hui Hoʹokele Here is a copy of the student handbook. Click on the link to download a copy for yourself. StudentHandbook-2014-15

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