Register HERE for #KSUNcon 2017!


Click here  to register or click the button below:




UNconferences are free, participant-driven professional development events where the attendees set the schedule and lead the sessions, which are conversations – NOT presentations. The KS UNconference will be an event full of rich discussions, cool demonstrations, and plenty of hands-on learning!

Join us on Monday, June 5th at The Neal S. Blaisdell Center

Schedule of Events

Welcome and Organization of Sessions: 12:00 P.M. – 12:30 P.M.

Sessions: 12:30 P.M. – 3:50 P.M.

Group Photo: 3:50 P.M.

Closing: 4:00 P.M.- 4:30 P.M.

Online Registration will be open until 06/05/2017.

Please bring a mobile device, laptop, or other electronic device if possible.

For more information, check out the KS Unconference Blog or Kūkulu Kaiaulu 2017

What is an UNconference?

UNconferences are composed of anyone who shares a vested interest in learning about learning and growing professionally. Unlike other conferences, an UNconference does not include a keynote speaker, the day is planned by the attendees, and the cost of attending is free. If you want to share your ideas, sign up to speak. You want to hear the ideas of others being shared, sign up to attend a session.

Basic Rules of an UNconference

To give you a better idea of how an UNconference works, we want to share the basic rules that guide the day. UNconferences are based on the BarCamp model, and the BarCamp model is based on what is referred to as “Open Space Technology Workshops” where the participants design and drive the day.

The Rule of Two Feet
– If people find themselves in situations where they are neither learning nor contributing, they are responsible for moving to another place — using their two feet to find a place where their participation is more meaningful.
Whoever comes are the right people
– This reinforces the wisdom to achieve solutions is present in the room.
Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
– This keeps the attention on the best possible effort in the present, instead of wondering endlessly about what should or could have been done.
Whenever it starts is the right time
– This reminds people that creativity cannot be controlled.
When it is over, it is over
– This encourages people to continue their discussion so long as there is energy for it. This may result in a short session not filling the entire time allotted, or it may result in a session longer than the time allotted.

Please feel free to contact Ellen Cordeiro at [email protected] if you have any questions!

Note – This is a vendor free event.

BrainPOP – The More You Know, The More You Know


BrainPOP is one of our favorite #edtech tools.  In classrooms, on mobile devices, and at home, BrainPOP engages students through animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more.  They cover topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. The content is carefully mapped to the Common Core and while there is a paid subscription, BrainPOP also offers FREE resources.

Mahalo for supporting The KS UNconference, BrainPOP!

Nearpod – Create, Engage, Assess through Mobile Devices


A BIG Mahalo to Nearpod for supporting The KS UNconference!  With Nearpod, easily create lessons in minutes for your next class. Import files (pdf, ppt, jpg) or Google slides and add interactive activities, websites, and videos to keep your students engaged in their learning.

Watch this two minute overview of how Nearpod works below:

Mahalo, Edutopia!


If you’re a life long learner, chances are Edutopia is one of your favorite resources.  Their vision is of a new world of learning based on the compelling truth that improving education is the key to the survival of the human race.  

Not only does Edutopia share incredible, inspiring resources, but they are loyal supporters of UNconferences, also known as edcamps.  UNconferences improve education!  Why Edcamp Is the Future of PD and Why Edcamp are two of my favorite posts about Unconferences via the Edutopia Blog.

BoomWriter – The Best Group Writing Tool


BoomWriter is another one of the #KSUNCON fabulous sponsors!  Their mission is to immerse students, teachers, parents and administrators in an interactive learning experience, both in and beyond the classroom.  BoomWriter is easy to use and allows teachers to collaboratively create a published paperback book with the entire class.  Learn more by watching the video below.

There’s no diner finer, than Big City Diner!


Mahalo nui to our only local sponsor, Big City Diner!  At Big City Diner, the professional staff is committed to providing guests with EXCEPTIONAL FOOD QUALITY. Senior Executive Chef Dennis Franks along with their team of local chefs, cooks and staff continually evaluate Big City Diner’s food offerings to ensure quality and to meet the demand of local and international visitors alike.

Whether eating in, or taking out, there’s no finer diner, than BIG CITY Diner!

Make Learning Awesome With Kahoot!

Create a fun learning game in minutes with KAHOOT!, made from a series of multiple choice questions. Add videos, images and diagrams to your questions to amplify engagement!

But it’s not just about the games.  Checkout the Kahoot Masterclass for ideas to really level up the way you use it in your classroom!  A preview of the masterclass can be viewed below.

Mahalo, KAHOOT! for supporting #KSUNCON!