All posts by hemahelo

About hemahelo

Herb Mahelona is a graduate of Kamehameha Schools (Kapalama) and the University of Hawaii at M?noa and an alumnus of the Hawaii Youth Symphony. He plays cello in various ensembles on Hawai?i Island and he is also the director of the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Chorus, Mamalahoa Chapter.

Kuuhiapo Jeong


Ku‘uhiapo Jeong (Kana), born in Hilo, Hawaiʻi but raised in Puna, is a junior who plans to join the Humanities Academy, Performing Arts Pathway. From kindergarten through the 8th grade, he attended Ke Kula O Nāwahīokalani‘ōpu‘u, a Hawaiian immersion school that teaches its students entirely in the Hawaiian Language. He was later accepted into Kamehameha High School and continued his studies there. After high school, he hopes to attend the University of Hawaii at  Hilo to continue his study of the Hawaiian language. He’s not sure what he wants to do with his life after college, but he is trusting God that He will guide him to a new mission in life. Besides focusing on academics, he loves to get involved in extracurricular activities just like school clubs.  Outside of school, he loves listening to music, volunteering, traveling to new places, listening to old stories from his kupuna, and most of all, dancing hula. He started dancing hula for Hālau O Ka Ua Kani Lehua at the age of 4 and has been dancing ever since; last year marked his 10th year dancing under the direction of Kumu Hula Johnny Lum Ho. At the age of 11, he competed as a soloist in the Queen Lili‘uokalani Keiki Hula Competition and placed 2nd. In the 5th grade, he took Hip-Hop and Jazz lessons from N2Dance. His biggest ambition is to compete in the Merrie Monarch Festival, and he says that his biggest dream in life is that one day, there will be a Mr. Aloha Hula (male hula competition) in the Merrie Monarch Festival. In this year’s Hō‘ike, Hā‘upu, Ku‘uhiapo will be portraying the role of Kana, the second son of Hina and Hakalanileo. He’s honored and thankful to have been given the opportunity to travel to such an amazing place where all forms of art and performances are shared amongst people all over the world. This is a blessing and a huge responsibility for the group and sharing the Hawaiian culture is one of their goals. The opportunity to share his love and passion for not only hula, but also other forms of performances could be the best experience that he could ever have in order to follow his dreams. Ku‘uhiapo would like to first thank God for everything He has blessed him with his whole life. Second, he would like to send his warmest mahalo to Mr. Stack, Mr. Mahelona, and everyone who was behind the scenes for sacrificing all of their free time to make this Scotland trip possible. He would also like to thank the entire cast for a great time during rehearsals. Lastly but certainly not the least, he would like to thank his entire family for supporting him through this unforgettable journey of his. He couldn’t be standing here today if it wasn’t for the love and support of his family.

Sierra Gleason


Born in Waimea on the big island of Hawaii, Sierra Pi‘ikea Gleason (Attendant to Hina) is a junior at Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi. Though she is very committed to academics, there is an adjacent and equally significant place in her heart for musical theatre. She spends her free time singing, acting, and riding and caring for her beautiful horse, Sparky. Her involvement in theatre began with High School, limiting her experience to an extra in two of her school’s productions (Fiddler on the Roof and The Sinking of the Malolo) and Graziella in West Side Story. She surely hopes to acquire many more performing skills during the coming years through the incredible opportunities offered through her school. Attending the American High School Theatre Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland will expose her to not only different acting styles, skills and talent, but also to different people, cultures, strategies, practices, and much, much more. She is looking forward to absorbing all that she can from this extraordinary experience, applying what she learned there to herself, then sharing it with others that love performing as much as she does. She’d like to thank her family for allowing her the resources they could afford and always having her success in mind. Mahalo nui for your support to make this adventure possible!

Tiari Faagata


Tiari Faagata (Lāanoano/Attendant to Hina) is a junior aiming to join the Humanities Academy, Visual Arts pathway, and currently lives in Kea‘au on the island of Hawaiʻi. Her first performance was in KHS’s Fiddler on the Roof as a part of the chorus, and has thus performed in KHS’s SY2014-2015 Hō‘ike as a main character and in their 2015 musical, West Side Story as the side character Consuela. She is an enthusiast towards art, singing and performing arts, and is always drawing and listening to music when not focusing on school. In being a part of the select group who will be proudly representing Kamehameha Schools at the 2016 AHSTF Fringe with this performance, she is hoping to be able to expand her experience, knowledge, and perspectives on the world, as well as spreading the Hawaiian culture internationally. After high school, she is planning on going to college and wishes to major in visual arts. Tiari would like to thank her parents and grandparents for their constant support in all she does, whether art, acting, or education.

Kayla Enanoria


Kayla Enanoria (Hilo warrior) is a ninth grader, the youngest cast member, but no stranger to the performing arts.  She has been involved in numerous high school theatrical productions even while she was in elementary school, including Fiddler on the Roof, The Wizard of Oz, and South Pacific.

Kaeo Cachola


Blaise Patrick Kā’eo Cachola (Niheu) is a junior at Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi. He wants to explore the Health Services field for his future but really enjoys and feels that he belongs in the performing arts. He is from Kāneohe on the island of Oʻahu and was raised in Keaʻau on Hawaiʻi Island. He appeared in Fiddler on the Roof as a beggar, West Side Story as Baby John, and in Hō’ike 2015 as Kīhei Keawe. He looks forward to gaining knowledge about Scotland’s history with England, which is similar to our Hawaiian history. He also looks forward to seeing the crowded streets and alleys with performances of all kinds. Personally, he hopes to gain more confidence and to become closer to the Hawaiian culture by sharing his mana‘o and talent with others. He would like to thank all his teachers, friends and family for their love and support. Also, he would like to thank all the people working to make this once-in-a-lifetime experience possible. Mahalo!

Pono Brown

Cast Photos_Pono

Thane-Maiko “Pono” Brown (Hakalanileo) is a 2016 graduate of Kamehameha Schools Hawaii.  He has been in every school theatrical production during his time in his school, playing the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz, Emile de Becque in South Pacific, Lazar Wolf in Fiddler on the Roof, and Riff in West Side Story.  He has also appeared on stage or played in the band for every school Hōʻike production.  He plays multiple instruments and participates in multiple sports.  He will be attending Whitman College in the fall.

Hiwa Brown


Mara-Jayde Brown (Hina) has attended Kamehameha Schools from the age of 3 (preschool) and is now a junior. Everyone calls her “Hiwa” (HEE-vuh). She was born and raised in Hilo on the island of Hawaiʻi. She has participated in performing arts from the fourth grade. She has been in four of the musicals her school has produced: 42nd Street, Annie, Fiddler On The Roof, and West Side Story. When she is not at school she is a dual-sport athlete, playing soccer and tennis for school, and soccer for two other teams outside of the school’s program. She believes this trip will be an opportunity for her to grow as a performer and to gain self-confidence. She would like to thank anyone and everyone who has supported her throughout the years and those who are helping fund and organize the incredible opportunity she has been presented with.

Scotland Performance Times Confirmed

KS Hawaii has received their official performance times and venue assignments for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and the American High School Theater Festival.

All performances will be held at The Space Triplex (venue #38) The Prince Phillip Building, 19 Hill Place, Edinburgh EH8 9DP.   Tickets are £5.  Performances will be in Hawaiian.  A synopsis of the story will be provided for the audience.

Performance times are:

August 5 @ 3:15pm

August 8 @ 1:15pm

August 9 @ 9:15am

August 10 @ 11:15am

Performing Arts Week events at KSH

The annual Performing Arts Week is coming up, May 2 – 7, 2016.  All events will be held at the William Charles Lunalilo Center.  Open to the public.  Free of charge.


MONDAY, May 2 — High School Band Concert  

Start time:  6 PM  Presenting selections of “program music”:  music from musicals, movies, TV, literature, and opera.  Featuring selections from “Lord of the Rings”, “The Incredibles”, “Phantom of the Opera”, “Guardians of the Galaxy”.  We will also reconize the graduating senior class of 2016.

TUESDAY, May 3 — Hāʻupu

Start time:  6 PM  Workshop production of the touring production of this yearʻs Hōʻike presentation, the Hawaiian opera Hāʻupu, featuring the traveling cast that will be performing in Edinburgh, Scotland in August as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and the American High School Theater Festival.

WEDNESDAY, May 4 — East Hawaii Choral Festival

Start time:  6 PM  KS welcomes Mountain View Elementary, middle schoolers from HAAS, the Hilo High School Ambassadors, Waiakea High School Choir, the UH Hilo Chorus, and the Kamehameha Alumni Choir for an evening of musical sharing.  Also featuring the KS Elementary Keiki Choir.

FRIDAY, May 6 — SCOTY (Student Choice of The Year) Awards

Start time: 6 PM  The tradition of the SCOTYs (Student Choice Of The Year) Awards continues, with recognition for outstanding student work in theater, band, singing, video, and all things performing arts.  Semi-formal attire.

Hāʻupu performed in Kona

On March 19th, nineteen of the students in the traveling cast of Hāʻupu performed selections from the show at the annual Kauikeaouli Festival held at the Sheraton Keauhou.     After a successful run of the full-scale all-campus show on March 9 and 10, the opera will now be rescaled for performance at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, as part of the American High School Festival in August 2016.