Strengthening Classroom Communication 2.0

Mahalo nui for attending this session!  While you are waiting for this session to begin please navigate to my blog at

Next, please join our discussion at TodaysMeet.  I would appreciate it if you could add your name, position, school, and twitter handle (or email if you prefer) so that session participants can stay connected beyond today.

Feedback & Formative Assessment

Kahoot!  Go to and enter pin you see on screen.

Challenge #1:  Form a group of two or three people.  Discuss how you might use Todayʻs Meet and Kahoot in your classroom for three minutes.  At the end of three minutes, add your thoughts to our TodaysMeet backchannel.

Classroom Collaboration

Padlet Discussion


Challenge #2: Think about an existing lesson or unit of yours. Please go to our session Padlet and share how you might use either Padlet or Thinglink to strengthen that lesson/unit.

Communicating Information


Class Messenger

PowToon video demonstrating Class Messenger sign up

Challenge #3: Turn and talk to a neighbor (or two) and discuss which of these web tools you may use in your classroom, and how youʻre planning on using the tool(s).

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