Morning Message 12-5-13

Good morning boys and girls,

We have been talking a lot about Monitoring Comprehension and making relevant connections with our text.  In preparation for todayʻs small reading groups please think about the different ways you monitor your comprehension of what you are reading.  Also think about what kinds of connections you have been able to make in reading. Here are some hints: t-t, t-s, t-w

You do not have to post anything, rather…….think!!!!

Please be mākaukau to share at guided reading.


Kumu Kaleo

Wahi panas are special places

Wahi pana are special places.Did you know there is rainbow falls in Hilo it is 80 feet tall?  Did you know there is Ka’ū Coffee Mill in Ka’ū? did You know  there is Hawai’i volcano National Park in Puna.  We are learning about the wahi pana of Hilo now.

By Jaydence






I have a new baby cousin. His name is Kekoa. He is a boy and he is big. He is 2 months old. He lives in Honolulu so I don’t get to see him that much.  Maybe i’ll see during Christmas.

By Hālai






I went to Disneyland during fall break. My Ohana went on a family trip. We went on rides and had lots of fun. My favorite ride was the Spalsh mountiN. I want to go back to Disneyland.

By Kamaka

My Home

I live in Kaumana. Kaumana is in the wahi pana of Hilo.  In frst grad we have ben lrning about different places Of our island. Now we are lerning about the dishtik of Hilo. maybe I will learn more about Kaumana.

by: Taylor


imageI am going to talk to you about school. We have kuleana at school such as Reading log. In reading log we read a book then we put the title, author, and parent’s initial. We do work in school every day. This is some work we do in school like math, social studies, writing, reading, and specials. I hope you like this story about school.

By Kerilyn