Morning Message 12-12-13

Good morning Mis-matched keiki,

How funny to see you all dressed with a variety of colors, stripes and designs. Today at 8:30 , the judges will be by our classroom door to look at the decorations we made. I want us to take a picture with both classes sometime today and blog a post about the door decorations.

Today is a day 6. We have Hawaiian and Science in the afternoon.

I lā maika`i!!

Kumu Kaleo


Christmas is the 25th of December. Christmas is Jesus our savior’s birthday.  It say’s in the bible also called the word god baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem.His father’s name was Joseph and his mother’s name is Mary.He was born in a manger because the inn’s were full.A special star was to represent where Jesus was born.I hope you learn more about it in the bible also called the word of god.I also hope you learned what Christmas is really about.

by Kerilyn


My Favorite Holiday


My favorite holiday is Christmas. We make snow flakes and we decorate our wall with them. We even open our presents at night and put on some Christmas music. We drink coco over the fire and sing Christmas songs.  Merry Christmas.

by Skailey

Ohana trips

My ohana likes to go on trips . We’ve gone to Los Angeles,
San Diego and Los vegas. My favorite trip was to sea world
Because I got to see the shark tank. I got to see stingrays,
Jelly fish, tiger sharks and a baskin shark. I love
going on trips.

By Hala’i
