Morning Message 12-4-13

Aloha Warriors,

Today is a short day. We end school at 1:30. Our specials are Hawaiian and Science.

Reflecting about last nights “new” homework assignment, `ohana Blog, give me 1-2 sentences as to your thoughts about what you had to do. Here are some questions to get you thinking. Did you like having the opportunity to write a draft of a blog post? What did you write about?

The goal is to revise and make them blog ready and post it today.

Lets have an awesome Wednesday!!!

Kumu Kaleo

Morning Message 12-3-13

Aloha e nā haumāna,

Yesterday we practiced a new strategy in Monitoring our Comprehension. We made Christmas Chain Patterns and continued our How-to stories.

We are currently studying the wahi pana of Hilo. Can you reply to this post by sharing with me one thing you want to learn or look forward to learning more about in regards to Hilo.


Kumu Kaleo

Morning Message 12/2/13

Aloha keiki,

Welcome back to kula. I hope that your Thanksgiving and time with `ohana went well. It is a new Month, Kēkēmapa. The Christmas spirit is definitely here. We have about 3 weeks left in school before we go on our break. We have our Christmas concert next week Friday, We have Pennies for Pauahi happening now through the 13th, we have Founders Day on 19th and many things in between. Letʻs stay focused and work hard through this time.

I lā maika`i!

Kumu Kaleo

Morning Message 11/27/13

Happy Aloha Wednesday!

This morning we have our awards assembly at Lunalilo Hale to honor all who have achieved in the 1st Trimester.

We have so much to be thankful for. Please take a minute to think of something that you appreciate and mahalo. Please reply to this post in a sentence or two as to what you are thankful for.

I am thankful for my ‘Ohana, friends, Pauahi, and my son.

Hau’oli la ho’omaika’i!!!!!


Kumu Kaleo

Morning Message 11-26-13

Aloha kakahiaka e nā keiki,

As you are aware this is a short week of school with Thanksgiving on Thursday. Our convocation went well yesterday as we blessed all the Operation Christmas Child presents. Yesterday, we started our spelling words in a new fashion. You were given the task and responsibility to choose your own words. How did you like or not like that? In writing we also continued our How-to pieces. In one sentence please reply and let the class know what your story is about. In another sentence write your thoughts on choosing your own spelling words. There should be TOTAL OF at least two sentences in your reply. Mai poina (Donʻt forget) sentences start with a capital and end with a period.

I lā maika`i,

Kumu Kaleo


Last week we had conferences on Thursday and Friday.We used our ipads to explane our e-portfolio.Our parents came to see.The kids had 15 minutes to share our e-portfolio and 5 minutes for questions and comments from our parents and then for the parents to talk to our teacher they had 20 minutes.In our presentation we shared math,reading,social studies,and writing. It was fun.

Written and posted by: Kerilyn