Thursday, 1.7/A and Friday, 1.8/B
1. Warm up/ Welcome Back activity
2. Vocab Pretest
3. My Hawaii Story Writing Contest details
HW: Brainstorm ideas for writing contest, be ready to start first draft next class
Monday, 12.7/B and Tuesday, 12.8/A
1. Preview assignment related to excerpt
2. Work on assignment
Thursday, 12.3/B and Friday, 12.4/A
1. Small group sharing of Text Features graphic organizers
2. Polynesian Triangle simulation/discussion
3. Read and annotate Culture and Heritage excerpt
Tuesday, 12.1/B and Wednesday, 12.2/A
1. Prompt Assessment
2. Info Text Structures
a. poster of structures
b. activity
c. link to practice-whole group instruction/discussion
d. explain assignment
HW: Complete Text Structure assignment by due date
Wednesday, 11.25/B and Monday, 11.30/A
1. Work on text features graphic organizer, due next class
HW: Finish graphic organizer
Monday, 11.23/B and Tuesday, 11.24/A
1. Quiz Review
2. Quiz
3. Discussion
4. Text Features and Structures
HW: None
Thursday, 11.19/B and Friday, 11.20/A
1. Survival Activity
2. Mālama Honua
a. preview assignments on GC
b. watch video
c. discuss
d. work on assignments
HW: Finish assignments and be prepared for a vocab quiz on the 10 new words next class
Tuesday, 11.17/B and Wednesday, 11.18/A
1. Review vocab
2. Discussion
3. Quiz
4. Work on discussion responses
HW: Finish responses
Thursday, 11.12/B and Friday, 11.13/A
1. Finish Eddie Aikau
2. Preview Hōkūleʻa Introductory Vocabulary and discussion questions
3. Watch Hōkūleʻa Introduction Google Slide show and take notes
HW: Be prepared for discussion and quiz on 10 introductory words next class
Monday, 11.9/B and Tuesday, 11.10/A
1. Eddie Aikau Movie
Thursday, 11.5/B and Friday, 11.6/A
1. Fast review
2. Test retake
3. Continue with amnesty work; all resubmitted assignments due by Friday afternoon
Tuesday, 11.3/B and Wednesday, 11.4/A
1. Go over test results
2. How to address a prompt
3. Amnesty Work: Can resubmit any 3 TTH assignments
HW: Amnesty work and study for retake
Friday, 10.30/B and Monday, 11.2/A
1. Group study session: 15 minutes
2. TTH Test
3. Catch up on back assignments, independent reading
Wednesday, 10.28/B and Thursday, 10.29/A
1. Essential Question poll
2. TTH Discussion questions
3. Instruction: TTH Story Elements
4. Assignment preview
5. Work time
HW: Complete 2 assignment and prepare for a comprehensive test on TTH next class
Thursday, 10.22/B and Tuesday, 10.27/A
1. Idiom of the Day
2. Author’s Point of View Activity
3. Watch animated film of TTH
4. Skim original version of TTH for gist
5. TTH Analysis activities (2)
HW: Activities due at beginning of next class
Tuesday, 10.20/B and Wednesday, 10.21/A
1. Check annotations
2. Point of View (POV) activity
3. Work on assignments
HW: Finish POV activity and any other back assignments
Friday, 10.16/B and Monday, 10.19/A
1. EAP Mini Bio
2. “Macabre” activity
3. Collaborative Thinking Table
4. Start Reading and annotating TTH
HW: Complete Bio questions and finish annotating TTH, submit both on GC
Wednesday, 10.14/B and Thursday, 10.15/A
*Chapel Schedule
1. Warm-up/check-in
2. Mark Twain Reading 1
a. scan headings
b. preview vocab
c. read an annotate
HW: sentences for vocab: submit in Google Classroom
Friday, 10.16/B and Monday, 10.19/A
The Tell Tale Heart
1. View mini-biography
2. What is “macabre”?
3. Collaborative Thinking table
4. Start reading story
a. read through once
b. start annotating
HW: Do bio questions and finish annotating
End Quarter 1
Thursday, 9.24/B and Monday, 9.29/A
1. Finish annotating the MT NYT article
2. Catch up on assignments
3. Work on class video
HW: Work on any assignments that are unfinished
Tuesday, 9.22/B and Wednesday, 9.23/A
1. Book Review Reflection assignment
2. Annotation Lesson
HW: Book Review Reflection and MT NYT article annotation due by dates indicated in Google Classroom.
Thursday, 9.17/A and Friday, 9.18/B
Career Presenters and huakaʻi to UHMC
Wednesday, 9.16/B and Monday, 9.21/A
Finalize Book Review and print for publication.
Monday, 9.14/B and Tuesday, 9.15/A
1. MAP/Lexile check in
2. Mark Twain Unit Kick Off
-What do you know?
-Bio Video/Activity
-Concept Map
-Short bio
HW: Finish all assignment related to the intro unit posted on Google Classroom by Friday, 9.18
Thursday, 9.10 and Friday, 9.11
1. Work on book reviews for KLC: due at the end of class
Tuesday, 9.8/B and Wednesday, 9.9/A
1. Presentations
2. Book Review assignment description
3. Book Reviews for KLC
HW: Work on Book Review- Due Th, 9.10/B and Fr, 9.11/A
Thursday, 9.3/B and Friday, 9.4/A
1. Collect KLC books for return
2. Start presentations
HW: Enjoy your long weekend
Tuesday, 9.1/B and Wednesday, 9.2/A
1. Grade Check
2. Presentation guidelines
3. Work on presentations
HW:Finish presentation; due at the beginning of next class
Friday, 8.28/B and Monday, 8.31/A
1. Review for quiz
2. Quiz
3. Work on B & B project
HW: Work on projects as needed in order to meet deadline (B-Th, 9.3 and A-Fr, 9.4)
Wednesday, 8.26 and Thursday, 8.27
1. 15 minutes of reading
2. Writing Workshop: Types of Sentences
3. Work on project, conference re: essays
HW: Sentence Assignment on GC, prepare for Vocab 1 and Plot Line quiz next class (review lessons on GC)
Monday, 8.24/B and Tuesday, 8.25/A
1. 15 minutes of reading
2. Plot Line Review
3. Objective Summary Lesson and Assignment
HW: Read your novel and work on your Browse and Borrow book project
Thursday, 8.20/B and Friday,8/21/A
1. 15 minutes of reading
2. Browse and Borrow book assignment overview
3. Plot Line activity
a. video
b. read story
c. diagram plot of story
HW: Read book, start slide show
Tuesday, 8.18/B and Wednesday, 8.19/A
1. 15 minutes of reading
2. Formal Writing Guidelines presentation
3. Vocab 1 “pretest”
4. Work on final draft of narrative essay
HW: Final draft due at beginning of next class.
Thursday, 8.14/B and Monday, 8.17/A
1. 15 minutes of reading
2. Peer draft review
3. Vocabulary Unit 1 activity
4. Work on Final Draft
HW: Final draft of narrative essay will be due Th. 20/B and Fr. 21/A
Wednesday, 8.12/B (Chapel schedule) and Thursday, 8.13/A
1. 15 minutes of reading
2. Check outline
3. Activity
4. Work on Draft 1 of narrative
HW: Draft 1 due next class
Monday, 8.10/B and Tuesday, 8.8/A
1. 15 minutes of reading
2. Set up Google Classroom
3. Metaphorically Me Narrative Essay Assignment Intro
4. Plot Structure Game
5. Work on narrative outline
HW: outline due next class
Thursday, 8.6/B and Friday, 8.7/A
1. Name Card, Course Letter and Info
2. Group Reading activity: unscramble
3. 3 M’s activity
4. Browse and Borrow: KLC
(Criteria: Genre of FICTION, no Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
HW: Interactive Course Info assignment: Due Wed. 12/B and Th. 13/A