Assignments 9/6 and 9/7, 2016

  1. Study Native American Cultural Regions (pink sheet will be finished/corrected in class. Quiz TBA.
  2. Nystrom Atlas (Student Activities): 5, 6, 7ab, 8ab (Classwork, finished as HW). Due 9/8 (Odd), 9/9 (Even). Answers available at: Ny Answers 5 and 6, Ny Answers 7ab, Ny Answers 8ab
  3. Three Worlds Meet Flier: With a partner, research a geographic or political feature of the Americas, Africa, or Europe. Create a flier with a headline, illustration, and annotated bibliography. All fliers to be posted in class. Click here for assignment details:  Due 9/12 (Odd), 9/13 (Even).

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