All posts by kecampbe

Tech Trends in Education

Please join me on Twitter #escchat to live chat about technology trends in education and what that means for counselors. The live chat starts at 2:00 PM HST for all my Maui peeps.

Productive Failure???

While we try to foster resiliency and grit in our students/children do we create enough opportunity for them to learn from their mistakes?  This article suggests that our students may benefit from experiences that allow them to fail, problem solve, and come up with their own solutions.  Click on the link to check out the article.

Bigger Gains for Students Who Don’t Get Help Solving Problems | MindShift.


Students Learn Better with Engaged Parents

This article talks about the importance of parental involvement in education as our students approach and enter high school, but parental involvement is important at all levels of education.  Check out the report done by the  National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) on how parental involvement in school correlates with higher grade point averages.   Here is the link to the article.

Students Learn Better with Engaged Parents – US News.