Kamalama Parenting Classes

Bowl of Light

Kamalama Parenting Classes

Honesty, compassion, responsibility, persistence, faith, selfdiscipline; individuals who possess these traits tend to be respected by others and generally do well in life. Children are not born with these traits. Parents and others, who are a part of the children’s lives, have a responsibility to teach them right from wrong. Assuring that young children learn morals and values are one of the first and most important responsibilities parents face. These values provide the foundation for good character development. Knowing what our own values are and appreciating other people’s values can help us identify the ones we want to teach our children.

With the many demands of today’s society, more and more parents are challenged with the best way to raise their children. There is a constant demand for parenting classes and although our community has these types of classes available, few of them are approaching it from a values-based perspective.

Kamalama is based on our host’s culture of traditional Hawaiian values that we believe is the very heart of what makes Hawai’i such a beautiful and welcoming place. The Hawaiian values and concepts that will be shared will express a universal language of living properly, or as the Hawaiians believed, to be a code of conduct called Pono, to be morally correct.

In a supportive learning environment, parent participants realize how much of their own values and beliefs systems contribute to their own style of parenting. Parents are introduced to a set of traditional Hawaiian values that reflect core fundamental principles of positive parenting.

The class focuses on the premise that parents/caregivers are truly their children’s first teachers. It emphasizes the important responsibility we have as parents and caregivers of teaching and role modeling proper values and behaviors to our children that we embrace for our ‘ohana (family) and primarily for ourselves.

Kamalama, literally meaning, “the light”. It is an eight (8) week course that is conducted weekly for two (2) hours long. Each class session incorporates together a Hawaiian value and positive parenting principles. Lesson plans also include handouts, stories, illustrations,hands-on activities, reflections and homework. Classes are usually held in October and again in January. Check the daily bulletin or contact the Outreach counselors for more information.

©copyright, 2005 lessons compiled by:  Venus Kau’iokawekiu Rosete-Medeiros

10 thoughts on “Kamalama Parenting Classes

    • Hi Kathleen! Just got your blog email message that you sent a year ago….sorry! The booklet is not for sale outside of attending an actual facilitator training session. If you are just looking for parenting materials in general, I would be happy to recommend a few sites or books. If it was Kamalama Parenting curriculum you were interested in, then I could speak to you directly about upcoming trainings. Let me know through my direct email:verosete@ksbe.edu. Aloha, Venus

  1. I would like to inquire about taking the Kamalama Parenting training class. I am beginning a support group for Native Hawaiian women survivors of domestic violence where incorporating children and extended ohana are also a part of the program. I would love to be trained in your curriculum and hope that there is a person or place on Oahu that I can contact to learn more? Mahalo!

  2. Aloha e Venus,

    I am very interested in being trained in the ways of Kamalama Parenting as facilitator. I am working with Women in Recovery at Womenʻs Way that have been or will be reunited with their children. Majority of the women are Native Hawaiian and some very disconnected from their roots. I would love to be trained in your curriculum and find a way as a MSW student to teach the women in our program that there is a Hawaiian way to ground them in their parenting and be the change for their children that they may not ever believed possible. Mahalo nui loa for your kokua.

    • Aloha e Trina,
      I would love to have you participate in a Facilitator Training for Kamalama. Please contact Rich Klein at Blueprint For Change to express our interest in attending a training. They are currently developing trainings statewide. His email is: bfcrich@gmail.com.
      Mahalo for the work you are doing with our women at Womenʻs Way!

  3. Aloha I am interested in attending your 8/7 classes
    My Qlcc counselor told me about this class and to check it out . I live on Oahu and would like to be steered in the right direction in enrolling in these classes please get back to me

    • Aloha e Lani,
      They are now offering classes through different agencies that I have had the privilege in training. Please contact Rich at the Blueprint For Change who will be able to refer you to one of those classes. His number is:808-952-0488 or email him at: bfcrich@gmail.com.
      Mahalo for inquiring!

  4. I completed the Kamalama parenting classes. It has become something that i reflect on, sometimes daily. I wish that everyone could take it, because it made my life better. The way I approach my individual children, keeping their love tank full. Everyone has different ways to show love, and also in how they want to receive it. Its so simple and true! I wish that intermediate kids could also take the lessons, to act as a guide through such an important developmental time. This is a tool, to help the mind and strengthen the ohana. Mahalo Nui Loa Kaimana from Kaua’i

    • Mahalo e Kaimana! I’m so happy to hear Kamalama is alive and well on Kaua’i and more importantly, making a difference in your ‘ohana! 🙂 May Ke Akua continue to bless you in your lifelong parenting journey 🙂 Aloha nō, Venus

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