Great notetaking application – Evernote!

If you are like me you take notes on whatever is handy – a napkin, a post it, the back of a business card. Then you lose the note or can’t remember who the phone number belongs to and it was all for nothing. Those problems can be solved with Evernote. Evernote is a free application you can use on your desktop, laptop or iphone. It allows you to take notes wherever you are and get access to them from anywhere. Check it out!

Evernote is a free web application that lets you create large posters from digital images. You simply upload a digital image (no more than 1 MB in size) and select how big you want the poster to be. The application blows up the image to fit onto blocks of 8 1/2 by 11″ paper set either in portrait for landscape layout. They have a gallery of finished work to view. There is no registration so security is not an issue. The photos are uploade dto their severs so care should be taken to make sure images are appropriate. THe quality is pretty good and of course the price is right – FREE! Check it out.

Personal Learning Network pt 1 Twitter

I absolutely love twitter.

Twitter is a microblog. What is a microblog? It is a place where you can leave a post, a very small post for everyone to read. Well, not everyone, just those people who choose to follow you. (sounds more like a stalking app but trust me it’s not) Twitter asks one simple question, “What are you doing?” You must answer in less than 140 characters.

You might think that it’s just a waste of time but twitter is a networking tool. I started by following the other members of my team. I posted what I was eating at Rainbow drive in or the outcome of a volleyball match. That was fun for a few days but then I discovered the real power behind twitter. I started following some of the people my team mates were following. Some are local teachers and ed tech specialists and others are world and national leaders in the realm of educational technology. The exchange of information and ideas was mindboggling. It’s like being in a library and discovering a whole new wing with books and materials on your favorite subject. I feel like Santa came early this year. 🙂

If you are looking for a place to start learning about educational technology feel free to follow me. on Twitter. My username is summer_sun. Once you are connected to me you can follow some of the people I follow, and the fun thing is often they end up following you! I am connected to teachers in Pennsylvania, Bangkok, Chicago, etc… We all share an interest in educational technology. Twitter is also used in many other professions. It’s a great way to connect. Try it!

Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education

The educators at Temple University released this document on Tuesday November 11, 2008.

According to the guide’s opening section:

“This document is a code of best practices that helps educators using media literacy concepts and techniques to interpret the copyright doctrine of fair use. Fair use is the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment under some circumstances—especially when the cultural or social benefits of the use are predominant. It is a general right that applies even in situations where the law provides no specific authorization for the use in question—as it does for certain narrowly defined classroom activities.

This guide identifies five principles that represent the media literacy education community’s current consensus about acceptable practices for the fair use of copyrighted materials, wherever and however it occurs: in K–12 education, in higher education, in nonprofit organizations that offer programs for children and youth, and in adult education.”

A good website to view the document and related videos and lessons is Wesley Fryer’s site: Moving at the Speed of Creativity. Â