Category Archives: Students

Data Analysis Brainstorm – 2B

List up to 3 ideas for your project.  Your #1 idea is secured and the others are open to be used with permission from you.  Click here for full site. Created with Padlet

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Data Analysis Project

Post 1-3 ideas that you would like to do for your project.  Your #1 choice cannot be done by others but your other 2 or 3 may be considered if they talk to you. Click here for full padlet. Created … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, Students, Uncategorized | Tagged | Leave a comment

NWEA Practice

To practice for NWEA click on the links below. Select the strand youʻre interested in practicing and follow the links to practice. Also remember you can practice the different strands in ML. Hereʻs the NWEA strands and the … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Parents, Students | Tagged | Leave a comment

Slope Song Music Video

Play it over and over… You will definitely “Get it”!

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Students | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

2A Spring Break Happs

Click here for full padlet Created with Padlet

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1A Spring Break Happs

Click Here to open full padlet Created with Padlet Click Here to open full padlet

Posted in 7th Grade, Students | Tagged | Leave a comment

2B Spring Break Happs

Created with Padlet

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1B Spring Break Happs

Created with Padlet

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Distributive Property Video – 8th Grade

Please watch this video and go to Edmodo to post your response. Distributive property explained: This is a thorough explanation of the distributive law (or property) of multiplication over division. Let’s see how it works! Video from Khan Academy

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7th Grade – Surface Area Padlet

Use this padlet by double clicking on it, and adding your name and period.  Then explain one way the surface area of a prism is used or needed in the real world. Created with Padlet

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