KS Maui Chess 2015-2016 Championship

Starting on Tuesday, 04/12 in the CRB at 12:40, our two current chess champs will face off to determine who will be named this year’s KS Maui Chess Grand Champion (2015-2016). Our first annual KS Maui Chess Championship will pit Zach Murayama (2015 Fall Tournament Champ) and Maikaike English (2016 Spring Tournament Champ) against each other in a game of strategy and excitement that you won’t want to miss.

They will be playing a best-of-three final over three days; Tuesday (04/12, 04/13, 04/14). This means that if they split the first two matches, then a deciding winner take all final match will be played on the third day. Each match will take approximately 14 minutes and each player will have 7 minutes to make all of his moves. If he runs out of time, his opponents wins.

Come and support the players as well as the game of chess here at KS Maui.

Tactics and Puzzles; Week 03/07/16 – 03/11/16

Keeping with our recent concepts of double attacks and discovered attacks (see link here), here is another one for you chess heads.

Screen Shot 2016-03-06 at 10.10.43 PMBlack’s game appears to be fine. He has plenty of space for his army, the Black Bishop is more active than its counterpart, and the Black passed pawn on d4 is solidly defended. It’s White’s turn to play. How can he turn the tables?

Comment and reply here.

Tactics & Puzzles: Week 02/29/16 – 03/04/16

Week: 02/29/16 – 03/04/16
Double AttacksThe Discovered Attack

A double attack, as the name implies, is an attack against two pieces or pawns at the same time.

One form of a double attack is a discovered attack which is essentially an ambush. A Queen, Rook, or Bishop lies in wait so that it can attack when another piece of its own color moves out of its way.

Screen Shot 2016-03-03 at 11.05.15 PM

In the diagram above, it’s Black’s move. White has given Black the chance to capture his pawn on g2 with 1…Rxg2. Is this a trap? Should Black munch the g2-pawn?

Comment here with your thoughts.