5th grade play, Hulihia

Mahalo to the 5th grade teachers and students for an amazing play.  The six 5th grade classes presented their learning this year about Mālama Honua. Please take a moment to reflect on what you learned after watching the play.  Please include a specific comment about what you liked in particular and be specific in sharing the things you learned after watching this performance.

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Huakaʻi to Kakaʻako, Pepeluali 3, 2017

What an amazing day for the Kukui team today as we began our morning at Kawaiaha’o Plaza followed by a tour of Kaka’ako.  Throughout the day, there was clear messages of finding and feeding your passion, working hard and being grateful.  Students, please take time to reflect upon the day and share about what you liked and what you learned on this huaka’i of Kaka’ako.  Mahalo nui to all the adults involved with helping to make this day possible.

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Kaʻiwakīloumoku Huakaʻi, ʻOkakopa 28, 2016

This gallery contains 3 photos.

On Friday, October 28, the Kukui team visited Kaʻiwakīloumoku Heritage Center.  There we worked, learned, ate and played together.  We made and ate laulau, we were able to learn about Aloha ‘Aina, we played kūkaihe andmakahiki games, and made kaula … Continue reading

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Olympic Dreams

We look forward to an amazing year with the class of 2021 students on the Kukui team.  We have a team of 107 students that have set some goals for themselves.  May their goals become a reality. Perhaps an Olympic medal is in their future.  This week, we welcomed Mrs. Christenson back from her trip to the Olympics in Rio.  While there she was able to witness her son, Micah, play for the the US Olympic Volleyball team and win the bronze medal.  We continue to encourage all learners to pursue their goals and make their dreams come true.File_000 (1)

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ʻImi Naʻauao

Mahalo to all Kukui team for a terrific school year.  To close out the 15-16 school year, here is a poem by one of our students as their end of year project:

ʻImi Naʻauao

The brightness of enlightenment shined through each individual
Whose bonds connected by culture, were indivisible
Searched their hearts for the inner warrior
For they played a major part in a legacy as the carriers
Forever warriors in mind, heart and soul
As one, strived to meet spiritual and academic goals

From excursions to school work they’ve completed it all
Through “he Hawai‘i au mau a mau” they stood tall
As exciting as a roller coaster with it ups and downs
Through smiles, laughs and nervous breakdowns
They’ve supported one another through thick and thin
Oh what a year it has been
Mauka to makai, they’ve all explored
Found great knowledge and looked for more
They sat hungry for understanding of their culture and past
Learned to be humble and steadfast

Drove along life’s journey and experiences
With supporters on their side
Each second and mile at a time
And a road, which lead to success
Dyed in hard work and dedication
Surrounded by the rocks of a firm foundation
Mile markers tracked their exploration
Through danger and life in the nation
But by the help of significant beings
Life became full of feelings

These teachers took small lessons and paved the way
For students to have the best life they may
From the big group activities to unforgettable experiences
They’ve pushed through it all
Picked one up if they felt they would fall
Traveled through traumatizing times
They became heroes and fans
Helped in tragic situations and set plans
They’ve prepared all for a life they are soon to meet
But all the memories shared remained cherished and sweet
For all will miss their welcoming smiles
And the middle school lifestyle
Their acts have touched the hearts of hundreds or more
But little do they know, they are the ones the students succeed for

Once playful children to mature young men and women, they grew
Became role models for others and are now looked to
For their kind hearts and knowledge obtained
Their characters and hearts have changed
Passed down a legacy for new generations to hold
They are soon the ones to take control
For their responsibilities in this world are soon to fulfilled
With the foundation set and built
They continued to live a life of goodness
With thanks to Ke Ali‘i Pauahi and her vision

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Kualoa Field Trip

kukuiMahalo for an excellent day at Kualoa Ranch Properties.  From the long bus ride and then the hike, followed by the bus breakdown and breakout sessions, we had a great day of learning more in this special place.  Mahalo to the Kualoa staff for welcoming us and sharing your ‘ike with us.

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5th grade play, Ku Haʻaheo

kuHAAHEOMahalo to the 5th grade teachers and students for an amazing play.  The six 5th grade classes presented about three different cultures (places); Australia, Indonesia and South Africa.  The stories of three national heroes were also shared in magnificent detail; Lowitja O’Donoghue (Australia), Raden Adjeng Kartini (Indonesia) and Nelson Mandela (South Africa).  Please take a moment to reflect on what you learned after watching the play.  Please include a specific comment about what you liked in particular and be specific in sharing the things you learned after watching this performance.

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Kukui visit to Kaiwakiloumoku, April 20, 2016

What an amazing time of learning today at Kaiwakiloumoku.  Mahalo to everyone for a wonderful day.  The four stations we learned at today included preparation of ‘inamona with Kumu Kumula’au, playing the game, alo ‘ia with Kumu Lāiana, mālama Waine’emāIMG_1443lie with Kumu Kēhau, and making Lei Hīpu’u Kukui with Kumu Kaulana.  Students are to respond to this blog to share what they learned and what they enjoyed about this visit.  Please share with specific examples two Hawaiian values you practiced today while on this visit.  Mahalo.

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Tour of Kaka’ako

Mahalo to the KS staff, administrators and Kaka’ako businesses that were part of a wonderful field trip experience for our Kukui students on Friday, February 5.  Please take time to view the posts from our students as they share about what they learned from this visit.kakaakoFT - 047 kakaakoFT - 083

Kukui photo gallery:  http://gallery.ksbe.edu/kapalama/main.php/v/kukui/k2020/kakaakoFT/

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On Friday, October 30, 2015, Kukui students visited Kaʻiwakīloumoku.  Various stations allowed for haumana and kumu to learn about preparing food, makahiki and pāʻani, ʻaha kaula, and aloha ʻāina.  It was a great day of learning, fellowship and bonding.  Mahalo to all the kumu who supported this amazing experience.
PHOTOS:  http://gallery.ksbe.edu/kapalama/main.php/v/kukui/k2020/kaiwakiloumoku/

Kaiwakiloumoku - 172 Kaiwakiloumoku - 304

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