Visit to Bishop Museum

September 27th, 2010 by kiterai

On September 22, 2010, the Lama team visited the Bishop Museum.  The primary focus of this field trip was to witness the Kü exhibit.  We watched a dramatic storytelling called, Mai Poina and visited the Picture Gallery, Native Garden and toured Hawaiian Hall.  Mahalo nui loa to all those who helped to make this field trip occur.  Mahalo to the staff and docents at Bishop Museum for helping us to connect with our Hawaiian Culture.

Students, please add a reflection that is a well written paragraph that shares what you learned, felt and witnessed on this field trip.

Posted in Terai- Math 8 | 99 Comments »

Arizona Memorial / Visit to WWII KS Plaque

September 7th, 2010 by kiterai

September 7, 2010.  What a beautiful day it was today.  The Lama Team went on a field trip to the Arizona Memorial.  We honored those soldiers who died on that fateful day in history.  After that we headed to the upper campus to visit the plaque that was dedicated to the KS students who served to protect the water tanks from Japanese paratroopers.  It was an honor to meet and learn from Senator Daniel Akaka.

Students– please write a response to this blog regarding the events of today.

Posted in Terai- Math 8 | 102 Comments »

Hokule’a / Mokauea Island Field Trip

February 27th, 2010 by kiterai

Please make comments about the field trip to Hokule’a / Mokauea Island.  Please write a few sentences that respond to the following:  What you learned, what you were impressed or surprised by, what you are thankful for about the field trip, what you are wondering after the experience and a mahalo to the crew, volunteers, and kumu.  DUE by THURSDAY, 3.4.10.

Posted in Terai- Math 8 | 85 Comments »

August 2009

August 29th, 2009 by kiterai

As August 2009 comes to a close, we begin the fourth week of classes.

Please write a well developed paragraph to share how things are going so far for you this year.

What will you do this year to ensure a successful 8th grade experience on the Lama team?

What are some things you have learned already as an 8th grader?

A response is due by Wednesday, September 2, 2009.  Mahalo. – Kumu Terai

Posted in Terai- Math 8 | 71 Comments »

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