Arizona Memorial / Visit to WWII KS Plaque

September 7th, 2010 by kiterai

September 7, 2010.  What a beautiful day it was today.  The Lama Team went on a field trip to the Arizona Memorial.  We honored those soldiers who died on that fateful day in history.  After that we headed to the upper campus to visit the plaque that was dedicated to the KS students who served to protect the water tanks from Japanese paratroopers.  It was an honor to meet and learn from Senator Daniel Akaka.

Students– please write a response to this blog regarding the events of today.

Posted in Terai- Math 8 | 102 Comments »

102 Responses

  1. Tai Says:

    Kamehameha has been a great experience. It also has a great learning program and it’s very special because my Mom was a dorm advisor so I lived on campus before. It’s kinda hard being a border because your away from family and him, also your other friends. Kamehameha is the best school.

  2. Kila Says:

    The first day that i knew i got in was one of the very best. With my mother, father, and brothers we all celebrated. They were all very emotional and very happy for me. But not as happy as me. When i got the letter and opened it i ran to my room at the top and screamed I AM A KAMEHAMEHA WARRIOR!

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