Hokule’a / Mokauea Island Field Trip

February 27th, 2010 by kiterai

Please make comments about the field trip to Hokule’a / Mokauea Island.  Please write a few sentences that respond to the following:  What you learned, what you were impressed or surprised by, what you are thankful for about the field trip, what you are wondering after the experience and a mahalo to the crew, volunteers, and kumu.  DUE by THURSDAY, 3.4.10.

Posted in Terai- Math 8 | 85 Comments »

Visit to Kawaiaha’o Plaza

February 22nd, 2010 by kiterai

Following the visit to Kawaiaha’o Plaza, comment on the things you learned, enjoyed, and wonder about after having gone through the four sessions (Endowment, Ho’okahua, KS Publishing, Land Assetts) at the field trip.  (your reply should be a well formed paragraph that may include mahalos to our presenters).

Posted in Advisory | 81 Comments »

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