August 2009

August 29th, 2009 by kiterai

As August 2009 comes to a close, we begin the fourth week of classes.

Please write a well developed paragraph to share how things are going so far for you this year.

What will you do this year to ensure a successful 8th grade experience on the Lama team?

What are some things you have learned already as an 8th grader?

A response is due by Wednesday, September 2, 2009.  Mahalo. – Kumu Terai

Posted in Terai- Math 8 | 71 Comments »

71 Responses

  1. Keaka Says:

    This year it was very interesting how everything went, like lunch beginning at a later time, more homework, and others. So far everything has been going good and I made a lot of new friends, at least more people to know. I really can’t wait for the fun and educational…rrr… field trips, I guess. Well i just hope the rest of the year will start and end great, for everyone. So i wish i get A’s and end the year awesome and fun.

  2. Makanaokeakua Says:

    This past four weeks have been very fast. I am trying hard to do my best in class. I am still kind of scared of being in 8th grade and what people say about me. I think that being an 8th grader is a big responsability and that I might not handle it. I think that the 7th grade looks up to us and that we need to be role models. I learned that never to say any secret because anyone cant get hurt including ourselfs. I think that the 7th graders just judge on how the way we 8th graders act and that is not good because some people just judge and don’t get to know the real you. I know how it feels. It is like judging a book by its cover. I have learned that we need to follow the Lama expectations and the Ke’ala pono Tribe agreements. I learned to try to be more responsible and to be good and industrius men and women. I want to be good and graduate and go to college.

  3. brandi says Says:

    so far in this year things r going fine and i think that this is going to be a good year. this year i am going to try and get all my homework done before its due and im going to try and concentrate on it better on my homework and put that before playing and hanging out. already i learned that some of the seventh graders look up to us. some of them also seek information from us too and follow our examples. i learned that high school is to close. i learned that we are already going to have two field trips and i think that is awesome. this year should be fun.

  4. Noah M Says:

    These past four weeks have been a journey. The work is getting stacked on but i manage to still do it. I like our teachers but they give a lot of homework due on the same days. Being an 8th grader is a lot harder than being a 7th grader but its pretty fun to be 8th graders. We don’t need to walk up to much stairs. This year i will turn in all my work and try to listen my best in every class. I want to try to get straight A’s. I will study for all my tests and be a good and industrious student of Kamehameha schools. I learned a lot during this past 4 weeks in all of my classes. I have expanded my mind to know many things and i cant wait to learn more this year!

  5. Kammie Says:

    This new school year seems to be going by very quickly. It feels like it’s still the first week of school. This year I am going to work harder on not procrastinating and be more organized. That way I may have better grades and hopefully a more successful education. So far I learned peoples names and faces. Many of which I became friends with. I believe this is a good start and hope it continues. I also learned our new expectations of being on the Lama team. Of course I learned these things before but this year it seems to be more strict. I find that to be okay because these rules should already be applied to our life and school life. I hope to get 4.0’s throughout the entire year. I wish for a great and awesome year on the Lama team as an 8th grader and can’t wait to make more happy memories!

  6. Paisley Says:

    Well so far this school year has been full of fun and excitement. I’ve been getting pretty good grades so far, and I intend for my whole school year to be the same. These four weeks have rapidly flown by and I didn’t even it was the fourth week already. The transition from being a seventh grader to an eighth grader was a little difficult and weird. It’s weird to think of yourself as the oldest in the middle school. Last year I was in Study Hall and instead of having an elective I had to go to Study Hall to do my work. Last year I learned time management and organization skills. Since I have an elective this year, I don’t have that extra class to finish homework. I hope that I don’t get put back in Study Hall!!!

    Since the beginning of the school year, I have learned how much homework we have!!! I have learned not to procrastinate because you’ll lose some of your beauty sleep. It’s really tiring trying to do your homework the night before it’s due. I have also learned that school comes before sports, friends and other activities. This is very important to know because my grades are really important to me and my parents.

    I hope to be one of the good and industrious men and women that Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop intended us to be. I worked hard to get this position as a student, and I will work even harder to keep my spot here.

  7. Hali‘a Says:

    So far I am liking this 8th grade year. I met a lot of new people and a lot of new friends. But what did change was the teachers and the classrooms, but other than that school is still school. I like this year how we have lunch second because then we only have two more classes then the day is done. So my weeks have been going by a lot faster because of that. There is a lot of things that I have to work on improving like procrastinating and studying. For some reason I have a hard time just doing those things and I have no idea why. I know this year is going to be good and I just want it to be a slow one because high school is coming and right now I am not looking forward to it but its coming and I am just going to have to deal with it.

  8. Erin Says:

    So far this school year is pretty good. We got a lot of homework faster than I thought we would though. I have learned that I need to pay attention in class, so I don’t miss anything that’s going on. This year I hope that I can turn in all of my homework on time, and get straight A’s. I’m looking forward to a fun year in eighth grade. SKITALEEDOO!

  9. Teiliana Says:

    So far this 8th grade school year has been the best ever. I love all my subjects now especially MATH!!! This year I’m gonna make sure I’m always on task and getting good grades each quarter. I will also enjoy every moment with LAMA Team. I learned what Science was and how science relates to things in life. I also got to refresh my memory and I feel a lot smarter haha:) I hope this year continues on like this.

  10. Zoe Says:

    Ah, 8th grade. It’s going by so fast, already three weeks of school. So far 8th grade, has been the usual. But I’m so glad that I got on the Lama team. What really surprised me was all the homework we got in only the first few weeks of school. It kind of makes me think a lot about how much homework we might get once we really get into the school year. I’ve met some new friends that were on different teams than me last year. So, 8th grade has been going pretty good this year, so far.

  11. Lance Says:

    So far this year is great. I started this year off well. To be a successful lama 8th grader, i will, not get into trouble, do all my work with quality and not get detentions or incident reports. As an 8th grader, so far i learned a lot. I learned my states and capitals, i learned the lama policies, and i learned the science lab steps.

  12. Jonathan Says:

    Eighth Grade is going alright for me right now. I think this eighth grade year is going to be a fun one. To make sure that I have a good year I will try to turn in all of my work on time in order to participate in any kind of field trips or something like that. I like all my teachers this year…but some are kind of weird. Like Mrs. Porecca, well she’s not weird but just….I don’t know…different. Mr. Ching is super COOL. He lets us do anything in his class…it’s really fun. Overall my classes are pretty good. My goal this year is to get all A’s and have fun. I hope we have a lot of fun this year and I hope I can learn everything that my teachers teach. 🙂

  13. Dallas Says:

    This new school year so far, is going really good. I am keeping up with my homework, not getting in to trouble, and I am seeming to make a lot of new friends. I am surprised that I am actually enjoying all of my classes this eighth grade year. The teachers are super cool and they understand where teenagers like us come from. They understand our needs and exactly how much we can handle. This year I am planning to be myself and not try to be someone I’m not. I learned that people like you more, by you being yourself. To make sure I am successful this year I will try to complete all my homework on time and with my best effort. There are a lot of things I can work on though. I need to better my management and organization skills because being organized will really help me get through this year. I also have to try and not procrastinate as much. I am really looking forward to the rest of the school year.

  14. josh Says:

    So far this year, i was able to meet many new people and the wonderful teachers of the Lama team. Every class is new, filled with wonders and always enjoyable. Now that there is football, I have to manage my time very well. But there already have been time’s where i have not used my time wisely and ended turning in my work late. But that will all change. No offense to all of the other lama teachers but my favorite class would have to be industrial.
    When i stop and think, it kinda scares me that this will be my last year in the middle school and from next year on, i am determining my life. so this year i will make myself do the best that i could possibly do and i learned if i screw up this year, i screwed up the next four years of my life.

  15. Brett Says:

    As an eighth grader, its been a little different. Last week was a little hard, because we had a bunch of homework due. I am trying real hard to keep my grade an A+, and so far my work is excellent. I will focus more on homework, and less on video games, so that I can finally call myself an “A+” student. I have already learned that the Lama teachers are not that bad, so I’m looking forward to a great school year. I will also follow the tribes agreements so that I don’t get detention, and I am very excited for the coming year. The only thing that is weird is that there is all new people in my class this year.

  16. 'Alohi R.H. Says:

    So far school has been good. My teachers are great. Now that I am in 8th grade, my work habits have changed a lot. My attitude about classes has also changed, I am more focused. We are now getting piled up with homework. I have to manage my time well because I also have volleyball to worry about. So far I have managed my time very good. I will ensure that this year’s experience is good by making sure that I do all my homework and turn it in on time. I will also make sure that I have fun with all my friends and teachers. As an 8th grader I have learned that the 7th graders look up to us. I have also learned that our teachers are really really nice. The teachers give us homework that is hard but some don’t make it due until Friday. I LOVE THIS TEAM!!!! LAMA IS THE BEST!!!!!!

  17. kekoa Says:

    This year is pretty easy so far, i think it is going to get more challenging later on in the year.We get a lot of homework because we need to learn. I learned More of the thing that i learned in seventh grade like the states and capitals, and i learned more math than i ever did.

  18. Kea Ryder Says:

    The year is going really good so far. I really like my teachers and all that they are doing for me. They are very helpful and are always willing to sacrifice their time for us. I like the classes and all that we’re learning. I like all the kids on our team and I think this year is going to be fun and exciting. I made it on the Inter Blue volleyball team and we just started our season. To make this year successful, I will try my hardest in everything I do and strive to my fullest potential. As an eighth grader I have learned many things in all my classes. But my knowledge has expanded greatly.

  19. Tiere[: Says:

    School so far is going great! It has gone by so fast, and it feels like the first day of school! I am still getting used to my classes, and my teachers. I enjoy all of my classes and teachers, and I have good grades so far(: I have been able to focus on my work, and I am very proud of the work that I turn in. I will strive to be a successful 8th grader, so that I am ready and prepared for high school by asking questions, and coming in for 8th period. I will also challenge myself with my work, and go the extra mile if possible. I plan to keep my good grades by staying on task, and by keeping myself organized with my planner and schedule. These past few weeks, I have learned so much from certain classes. Most of my classes have been a review for me from the seventh grade, but I try my best anyways. I look forward to working with my classmates, and to having a great year. I also look forward to a fantastic year with the lama team, and hope to make many wonderful memories!!<3

  20. Travis Says:

    This first few weeks of school was alright. We did some fun activities and I got to know all of my teachers and got to reunite fellow brothers. I like all of my teachers they are all cool. We also don’t have that much homework so this year is alright and pretty sweet.

  21. Jordan(: k. Says:

    8th grade has been going pretty well. I have met new friends and new teachers and they are awesome! I think that the rest of this year will go great. One of the things that I don’t like about this year is that we have three classes instead of two before we have lunch): I hope this year is fabulous because the next year I move on to high school. I learned many things even though it’s only been in school for less than a month. I enjoy having new explore classes and learning different types of subjects. I’m trying my best to make this year as great as possible before I move on to 9th grade. THis year will be full of laughs and smiles(:

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