Kawaiaha’o Plaza Field Trip

January 29th, 2009 by kiterai

kawaihaooha-02.jpgFollowing the visit to Kawaiaha’o Plaza, comment on the things you learned, enjoyed, and wonder about after having gone through the three sessions at the field trip.  (your reply should be a well formed paragraph that may include mahalos to our presenters).  Due Monday by 3:15 pm.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 88 Comments »

College Couselor Presentation

January 29th, 2009 by kiterai

diplomaPlease write about what you have learned by doing the college webquest and from the college counselor presentation.  Why is it important for you to start thinking about college as an 8th grader?  What are things you can do now to prepare for post-high education?

(your response should be a well formed paragraph, specific to what you learned about the two colleges you picked and comments about the presentation from Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato).

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 67 Comments »

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