Visit to the archives

September 30th, 2008 by kiterai


We visited the archives at Midkiff Learning Center today.  Mrs. Zisk, our archivist, shared with us a folder that she prepared that taught us a lot about the history of our school and land.  Please comment (short paragraph) about what you were impressed with, what you learned and what other questions you have that may not have been answered.

Please respond by October 9.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 94 Comments »

Pre-Alg Chapter 3: Real numbers and the coordinate plane

September 18th, 2008 by kiterai

Updated on September 28: We will have a chapter 3 quiz on the first five sections on Thursday, Ocotber 2.  The chapter 3 test will be on October 10 (Friday).

Please complete your chapter 3 vocabulary (in the notebook) by Octber 2.

Vocabulary for Chapter 3:  Pythagorean Theorem, coordinate plane, irrational numbers, linear equation

The agenda for chapter 3 is attached.

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Algebra Chapter 3: Solving Equations

September 11th, 2008 by kiterai

Work due October 2:  Chapter 3 vocabulary in the notebook and text p. 155 #1-10 all. You will have a quiz in class on October 2.

The second chapter 3 quiz will be on October 10.  The chapter 3 test is expected to be on October 14.

Chapter 3 vocab:  Percent of change, Perfect squares/ square roots, unit rate/rate, Pythagorean Theorem, ratio, scale factor, proportion

Please refer to the agenda to work on the assigned Chapter 3 problems.

mathbord.gif          chapter 3 agenda

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Kamehameha Math Trail

September 11th, 2008 by kiterai

What is the Kamehameha Math Trail?  Post a comment regarding what you think it might be?  This is due by Wednesday, September 24.  Please write 3 sentences or more using proper grammar.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 97 Comments »

9-11 Advisory

September 10th, 2008 by kiterai

How old were you on 9-11-2001?  What were you doing and where were you at when you learned of the tragedy?  Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, many reporters compared this to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December, 1941.  How valid does it seem? What are the similarities and differences in the two situations?  Please respond with your thoughts on this topic.  

Posted in Advisory | 10 Comments »

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