Happy Holidays!

It’s been a while since our last post and so much has happened since then. In the spirit of the holiday season, I wanted to share three things that I am grateful for:

  1. Getting to hang out with your keiki in person. Just like adults, keiki are different people on screen versus off. It’s fun to explore this other side of their personalities. Also, we don’t have to deal with the pesky mute/unmute button while we are face to face. (Although I’m sure some of us, adults and keiki alike, wish people came with a mute button in real life.)
  2. Your patience. I know it’s not easy to deal with short school days and the less convenient (but safer) drop off and pick up procedures. Thank you for making it work.
  3. Our new playground. You folks barely get to see it from the sign in table but we got a new playground installed this year! Your keiki are getting to know the ins and outs of it and are challenging themselves physically in a variety of ways.

Remember next week is our Winter Dress Up Week and we are looking forward to some fun times on Zoom in the lead up to Winter Break. Please, PLEASE be safe and stay healthy over the break. Let us know if your ʻohana will be traveling off island and click here to request an optional COVID test for your keiki to take before returning to school in January.

DON’T BUY NEW THINGS. Part of the fun of dressing up for themed days is finding things in your own closet to wear.