Mathematical Mindsets (support class)


Teacher:  Kaholo Rickard
Email:  [email protected]
Phone number:  573-7257
Classroom:  Pākī O-104
Office hours:  2:40-3:30 __________
Web page address

PREREQUISITES: Teacher Recommendation

OVERALL MATHEMATICS GOALS (Based on Common Core Standards of Mathematical Practice)


  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them (SMP #1).



  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others (SMP #3).



This course focuses on a growth mindset in mathematics. It is designed to support students who have had previous struggles in math and fosters self-advocacy which, in turn, will build confidence within the realm of mathematics in general. This class will give learners of math the information they need to become powerful math learners, it will correct any misconceptions they have about what math is, and it will teach them about their own potential to succeed and the strategies needed to approach math effectively. Students will set realistic, math growth goals for themselves individually and work to meet those targets throughout the year.


  1. Online resources to be provided by teacher.
  2. Teacher blog page and Google Classroom
  3. iXL
  4. Textbooks

MATERIALS:  You will need these items in class, everyday

  • Folder to hold handouts
  • College-ruled paper
  • At least two pencils
  • Your OWN eraser
  • Pen (black or blue)


Credit for this class will be determined by completion of required assignments, assessments, and activities. Non-completion of the required work will not receive semester credit.


Assignments may be in the following forms: Reflection, class and group discussion, iXL, projects,


Cooperative group investigations followed by presentations; “number talks” which will enhance and encourage growth in the area of  number sense by way of discussion; class discussions and reflections dealing with daily math discussions.  


Completion of taking required assessments (NWEA), projects, presentations, and performance tasks.


Technology will be used to enhance, communicate, and assess understanding.  Please be sure your laptop is charged and in working condition.  


If a student is absent it his/her responsibility to contact teacher in a timely manner to make arrangements for missed work.  


  • All rules for Kamehameha Schools Maui apply at all times.  
  • Attendance is important to be successful in this class. Students are expected to be in their seat ready when the teacher starts class.
  • Bring a positive attitude- One that will show your best qualities!  I expect the best of my students as they should of me.
  • Contribute to creating a positive learning environment for all students.  We accept all possible methods and answers.  Learning happens regardless if the method/solution is correct or the best one.  
  • Participation is expected from all students.  Be prepared to share ideas in a positive manner as well as give feedback to peers.  Be responsible for what is happening in your group and class discussions/presentations.
  • Ask Questions if you are not clear of the expectations.
  • You may eat/drink in class. Clean up and dispose trash to outside trash cans or privileges will get taken away from the entire class.
  • Come in for extra help during office hours or lunch

Let’s make year one that is filled with positive experiences that will help you be successful in the future!