Geometry Syllabus

 Kamehameha Schools Maui
Hawaiian Leaders Prepared for College and a Global Society

Geometry 1 A/B
1.0 Credit A/B; Year Long

Teacher: Mr. Kaholo J. Rickard
Email: [email protected]
Office #: 573-7257
Location: Pākī O-104
Office Hours: Mon & Thurs 2:40-3:30 or by appt.
Blog Page:

Prerequisites: Placement Exam, Algebra 1 and/or Teacher Recommendation

General Course Description:  

This course uses non-routine/real-life situations as well as routine situations to learn the Geometry topics.  Class and group discussions are critical to learning the concepts and students are encouraged to come prepared to share ideas.  Students will also use software and do investigations and learn concepts.  Students will apply definitions and conjectures to solve geometry problems.

Standards of Mathematic Practice (SMP) Goals:   

 By the end of the year, students will:

  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them,
  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively,
  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others,
  4. Model different situations with mathematics,
  5. Use appropriate tools strategically,
  6. Attend to precision in their work and persevere through the problem,
  7. Look for and make use of structure,
  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

 Major texts, literature, or resources:

Discovery Geometry; An Investigative Approach – Michael Serra

TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator (classroom use only)

Other resources such as online websites, notes and discussion, Google Classroom, Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP), iXL, etc. will also be utilized.

Google Classroom is a resource that you will use regularly to access information such as assignments, links, and handouts.

Mr. Rickard’s Blog page:


  • 2” Three-ring binder
  • 6” or 12” ruler with inch and centimeter markings
  • Compass
  • Dividers
  • Folder
  • Lined Paper (college-ruled) & Graph paper
  • Protractor
  • Pencils and Erasers
  • Red Pen

Course Outline:

The concepts covered in this class follow the Common Core Standards and can be located at


Grades will be determined by points earned divided by the total points possible. Grades are based on the school’s grading policy (please see Student and Parent Handout).

Breakdown: Assignments – 30%, Group Work/Discussion/Presentation – 20%,     Assessments – 50%

 Summative Assessment: Quizzes, tests, projects, and other forms that show evidence of student learning.

  • Quizzes/tests: to be given often through out the year and will be based on the concepts that were covered in the previous class.
  • Redo/retake/correct: you have the opportunity to redo/retake/correct

if you do not score a 100% on the quiz/test.

  • Requirements to redo/retake/correct:
    • You will request to the teacher on when you would like to do a redo/retake. If no request is made, you will forfeit the opportunity to redo/retake.
    • You need to be current in homework/classwork for that chapter (no “mi” in the grade book).
    • You will need to do a journal entry on what concepts you were not sure about and what you did to understand and show mastery of the concepts.


  • Daily assignments will be given and they should have the assignment completed before class begins.
  • Assignments may be in the form of problem sets, discussion posts, writing, iXL, Geometer’s Sketchpad, podcasts, review of online resources, textbook problems, and reflections.
  • Assignments will be discussed and presented in class. Come prepared!
  • You are not penalized for getting wrong answers; you are encouraged to do corrections.  Research shows that wrong answers or mistakes help us create better understanding of the concepts when we acknowledge and make adjustments to our learning.
  • When making corrections, please do so in in pen.   Please know that homework corrections are required to do corrections on assessments.
  • Assignments can be turned in for full credit up until the class BEFORE the chapter test/quiz, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE TEACHER. You can still turn in assignments after the chapter test, but no credit will be earned. The reason:  you’ll be able to make corrections to the test.  If you are turning in 3 or more problems sets at the same time you are required to make arrangements with the teacher to go over the work.  This is to show your understanding of the content PRIOR to assessment/reassessment.

Group work, discussion, presentations:  Participation whether individual or group work or discussion is essential on your part. While your participation may sometimes be especially observed on a particular day, your participation will be monitored on an on-going weekly basis. is a resource that you will have access to which allows you to move at your own pace to build success in specific math skills. The skills will be assigned in class and you will generally have class time to finish. You will also be asked to finish some of these outside of class.

Late/Missing Work Policy – “mi

To get partial credit for late work, you must:

  1. Write “LATE WORK” on the top of the assignment in RED PEN.
  2. Get a PARENT SIGNATURE on the late work right next to the words “late work” before handing in.
  3. Late work drops one letter grade each day that it is late. After a week of being late, work will not be accepted.

Absent Work Policy – “ab

To get credit for absent work you must:

  1. Write “ABSENT WORK” on the top of the assignment in RED PEN.
  2. Get the notes from a classmate prior to completing the assignment.
  3. Get a PARENT SIGNATURE on the absent work.
  4. For every day that you are absent you will have that many days plus one additional grace day to get your absent work turned in. After those days have expired, see the late work policy.

*homework assignments can be obtained through Mr. Rickard’s blog page.


  • All rules set forth by Kamehameha Schools Maui apply at all times.
  • Be on time and prepared for class; you get out what you put into it.
  • When I am talking, you should be listening.
  • Do your own work and try every problem. Show ALL work.
  • Participate, be prepared, and be responsible.
  • If you have a question, raise your hand, wait to be recognized, and ask.
  • Take care of your calculator and textbooks.
  • If you need extra help, come in during lunch or after school.


**Click the link below to print the entire pdf version of the syllabus.