November 16-20, 2009

What happens when you believe something with all your heart? Belief fuels enthusiasm, and determined enthusiasm explodes into passion. It fires our souls and lifts our spirits.

~Mac Anderson


Please post your successes for this week. Have a GREAT weekend! Appreciate you all!

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Aloha mai kakou! I am Darrin Sato of the Instructional Technology Services team at Kamehameha Schools. Our goal is to collaborate with K-12 teachers to define and implement effective strategies to enhance and support pedagogy and curriculum with technology.

10 thoughts on “November 16-20, 2009”

  1. 1. training for Koa Team.
    2. KS blog training for dorm advisors.
    3. Laptop / filtering mtg. w/ Erika & Renee.

  2. 1. Finishing the last edit of the Form M Kapi’ina Artifact cover sheet.
    2. BB upload training sessions for Kapi’ina participants.
    3. Blog training for Curriculum Cadre.

  3. 1. Podcast/Keynote project support for health teachers.

    2. EGTC Monthly meeting

    3. WASC Comm. Mtg.

  4. 1. iWeb Training – MLC VP
    2. Podcast Project Planning – English Teacher
    3. ASKS Parent Night iPhoto Training

  5. 1. Blog training for MS teachers
    2. BB training for MS Ka Pi’ina
    3. MS Word Training for Elem EA’s

  6. 1. Project Planning with Hwn Language Teacher
    2. Donna Ching Collaborative Leadership Workshop
    3. Department Website Planning with SS

  7. 1. BB training for Kapi’ina Participants
    2. Blog training for ES teachers
    3. Meet w/KSM Tech Cadre during K-12 Articulation

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