November 9-13, 2009

Attitudes truly are contagious, and from time to time we need to ask ourselves, “Is mine worth catching?”

~Mac Anderson

Please post your initiatives. Have a fun, relaxing weekend, Team!

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Aloha mai kakou! I am Darrin Sato of the Instructional Technology Services team at Kamehameha Schools. Our goal is to collaborate with K-12 teachers to define and implement effective strategies to enhance and support pedagogy and curriculum with technology.

9 thoughts on “November 9-13, 2009”

  1. 1. Video / iMovie training for Kauila Team.
    2. training for Renade Kaneakua.
    3. ESS Code of Conduct training.

  2. 1. Quarterly meeting with Amy Kimura.
    2. 1:1 Laptop Program meeting with Lance Tachino.
    3. Student blogging guidelines research.

  3. 1. Blogging Session – Elem Teachers
    2. iMovie Training – Middle School
    3.Webex/AV Support for Headmaster

  4. 1. 1-1 Core Team Meeting
    2. Lot of Chicken of the VNC set up
    3. Taught Keynote to 4 SS classes

  5. 1. BB training for Kapi’ina participant
    2. Blog training for teachers (ES & HS)
    3. Prepare for LBD Fluent Reader training.

  6. 1. Chicken of VNC set ups

    2. Podcast instruction and support with various health teachers

    3. ETS-I weekly meeting

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