June 14-18, 2010

Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I’ll give you a man who will make history.  Give me a man with no goals, and I’ll give you a stock clerk.

J.C. Penney

Mahalo for completing your 2009-2010 Goals!
Please post your successes for the week.

5 thoughts on “June 14-18, 2010”

  1. 1. PG Meeting
    2. Enroll students into Literacy by Design Fluency Program ES Holole’a
    3. ETS Meeting regarding restructuring

  2. 1. Meet w/ KMS CC re: internet safety presentation.
    2. ETS meeting w/ Sylvia at KP.
    3. Meet w/ Mimi re: summer PD.

  3. 1. Meet with Al – Summer PD
    2. Meet with Lynne – Internet Safety, iWeb
    3. Meet with Lauren – iMovie Project

  4. 1. Meet w/Mimi-Internet Safety project, iWeb
    2. ETS meeting at KS
    3. Worked on coordinating several Adobe Connect projects

  5. 1. Final PG Meetings
    2. CEC Meeting to discuss Social Media
    3. Sharepoint Administrator Training

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