February 8-12, 2009

Coaching isn’t an addition to a leader’s job, it’s an integral part of it.

  ~ George S. Odiorne  

Please post your SUCCESSES, leaders! Have a safe and relaxing Presidents Day weekend! 😉

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Aloha mai kakou! I am Darrin Sato of the Instructional Technology Services team at Kamehameha Schools. Our goal is to collaborate with K-12 teachers to define and implement effective strategies to enhance and support pedagogy and curriculum with technology.

7 thoughts on “February 8-12, 2009”

  1. 1. Apple PBL training w/ Steve Cowdrey.
    2. KMS Task Force meeting.
    3. Wiki PD (similar to iCan Cafe) for KMS staff.

  2. 1. HS 9th grade team meeting (Respondus & Learn 360)
    2. Confirm Learn 360 Webinar dates
    3. Meet w/HS & MS Video teachers re: possible content for upload

  3. 1. MLP meeting with Mimi & KES admin.
    2. Video project for K teacher
    3. KES Jump Rope for Heart w/ Imua Video club

  4. 1. ITMD/Petel Plan Mtg.

    2. iCan Cafe – Word Comments

    3. Meeting with PE 2 for BB service

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