August 30-September 3, 2010

Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital.  Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed.  Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much higher the consideration.
Abraham Lincoln

Wishing you a wonderful, restful Labor Day weekend.  Mahalo for all of your efforts in supporting our kumu, haumana & each other throughout the year.
Please post your successes for the week.

9 thoughts on “August 30-September 3, 2010”

  1. 1. Web 2.0 Apps with 2 English teachers.
    2. Troubleshooting KS Blogs.
    3. More Blackboard Set-ups with English teachers.

  2. 1. ‘Imi Na’auao meeting (FASS)
    2. Adobe Meeting & Elluminate tests
    3. e-portfolio planning meeting w/gr 4 teacher

  3. 1. EGTC Mtg.

    2. HS Team – PD Planning

    3. EGP follow ups, BB issues, and project planning w/ Foods instructor.

  4. 1. Internet Safety Parent Presentation on Adobe Connect
    2. Project Planning with Social Studies teacher
    3. EGP Troubleshooting

  5. 1. Glogster in MS
    2. ES PLC w/Mai and Kahea – Thrive! Blog
    3. Google Docs training 9th grade Math

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