August 9-13, 2010


One kind word can warm three winter months.
Japanese Proverb

Mahalo for ALL of the support you’re providing our teachers
at the start of this new school year!
Please post your successes for the week.

9 thoughts on “August 9-13, 2010”

  1. 1. HS Student Laptop Training
    2. Support teachers with SMS Attendance implementation & start of school needs
    3. Meet with Val, Justin and Ellen

  2. 1. Worked on setting up blackboard accounts for 11 math teachers

    2. Worked on resolving an e-textbook issue for the math department – in concert with ERD

    3. Began my role on the Core Team Committee for the Ke Ko’i Lipi program

  3. 1. SMS Rollout
    2. HS Student Laptop Trng.
    3. Dept Mtg for Science, PE, and Technology.

  4. 1. MS: Meet w/Librarian, EA to discuss Integrating technology into student projects for the year.
    2. MS, HS: EGP support for teachers
    3. ES, MS, HS: Curriculum Cadre monthly meeting

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