May 3-7, 2010

Mothers LOVE shows us the way.

Mothers COURAGE can move mountains.

Mothers WISDOM holds you close.

It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to

compassion and understanding.

~Erma Bombeck

Please post your SUCCESSES. Happy Mother’s Day to Mimi, Val, Lynne and Melia!

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Aloha mai kakou! I am Darrin Sato of the Instructional Technology Services team at Kamehameha Schools. Our goal is to collaborate with K-12 teachers to define and implement effective strategies to enhance and support pedagogy and curriculum with technology.

8 thoughts on “May 3-7, 2010”

  1. 1. SS International Summit Coverage
    2. Project Plan with Languages-Teach GB Audio files
    3. Speech-Project Planning and Website Planning

  2. 1. SMS Training (Attendance/Grading)
    2. Hawaii Campus Instructional Technology Specialist Interview
    3. ESS 4th Qtr. Leadership Team Meeting

  3. 1. Teacher Appreciation video
    2. BB support for Ka Pi’ina participant
    3. Assist KES specialist w/external back ups for Mac & PC

  4. 1. Turnitin training for Koa Team.
    2. iWeb meeting w/ ‘Ohe Team.
    3. SMS training at Gold’s Gym.

  5. 1. SMS Training

    2. ETS-HS Meeting

    3. Health Class – Project support for iMovie and Keynote

  6. 1. iWeb-AliceKnapp &Kinau Dorms
    2. iWEb-Lunalilo and Iolani Dorms
    3. Launch Dorm links on Boarding website. (Goal complete)

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