E ko Kamehameha Hawaiʻi ma ke kula waena nei…aloha pumehana iā kākou
‘O ka lā ʻeiwa kēia o Mei
He Pōʻalima kēia
He lā ʻeono
Today is Friday, May 9, a Day 6
Lunch today: Hawaiian Stew
Honor our 8th grade winners by attending the 15th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Poetry Award Ceremony! Saturday, May 10 at the Prince Kuhio Plaza Center Court from noon to 1:30. Winners will be reading their masterpieces aloud on stage!
Applications for Peer Counseling are due today!
Important date: May 14
All library books are due on this date! All fines must be paid on this date!
What are the consequences if you do not return your books or pay your fines on this date? NO YEARBOOK AND NO SCHEDULES!
K-12 Juried Art Show open – runs through May 16th in Kula Waena Art Gallery. Gallery hours will be M-F from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Stop by and enjoy the beautiful art displays.
Upcoming Events Next Week:
• Upload and ʻOi Kelakela shirts on Wednesday, May 14
• K-12 End-of-Year Convocation on Friday, May 16 – wear special events attire
MS Sports:
• Boys & Girls Soccer game on Friday, 5/9, at our Middle School field at 4:30 p.m.
• Boys & Girls Soccer game on Saturday, 5/10, at Shipman field at 8:10 and 11:10 a.m.
8th Graders – High school cheerleading tryouts will be held on Monday, June 8 at Keaka Elementary Playcourt from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. Athletic attire and shoes are required. Please ensure all athletic forms are up to date and turned into the Athletic Office by June 4th. Any questions please contact Coach Asia Harman [email protected] Mahalo!
Baseline Concussion Testing: May 13
To participate in high risks sports, all students need to take a baseline concussion test. The first test date for School Year 2014-2015 will be Tuesday, May 13 beginning at 3pm at Kekuʻiapoiwa (high school learning center). Testing will be first come, first served. The last group will begin at 6:00pm. The test consists of two portions that will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour total.
Students participating in the following high-risk sports must have a valid baseline concussion test score to participate: football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, wrestling, water polo, baseball, softball, and judo.
Students that should plan on taking a baseline test are:
Students that have never participated in a high-risk sport that plan to do so
Incoming SIXTH, SEVENTH, NINTH, and ELEVENTH grade students planning on participating in a high risk sport, regardless if they have previously taken a baseline test
Any student that has been diagnosed with a concussion since their last baseline test
Any transfer student that has previously taken a baseline test at another school and does not meet the above criteria needs to check in with an athletic trainer.
For questions or clarification, please contact an athletic trainer at 982-0632.
I lā maikaʻi!